Seaborg Center Coder Dojo Program Begins
Coder Dojo 906, a community-based programming club for young people sponsored by the Northern Michigan University Seaborg Center, is offering coding classes from 4-6 p.m. on the following Tuesdays during the winter semester: Jan. 30, Feb. 13, March 13, March 27 and April 10. The sessions will take place in 2702 West Science.
Coder Dojo 906 is a club that focuses on teaching young people ages 5-17 how to code develop websites, apps, programs and games. This series of classes is primarily aimed at kids seven years old and older. Each class will provide activities for five and six year olds, but they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Attendance is not required for each session, but attendees are asked to register for each class they plan to attend. To register, visit