'Little Red Walking Hood' Opera for Children April 4

Wednesday 28, 2018

Northern Michigan University’s music department will host “Little Red Walking Hood,” an opera experience for elementary-aged children. The free performance will be held at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 4, in Reynolds Recital Hall.

In the production, Little Red walks, then runs, into trouble on her trip through the woods. The wicked Wolf turns on the charm and tries to waltz her away from her common sense, but Little Red discovers that stories and advice from older people can be very worthwhile. The show is set to music from “The Merry Widow” by Franz Lehar.  

This children’s opera is presented by students in NMU’s opera theater workshop class. It is approximately 45 minutes long. Individuals of all ages are welcome to attend the production. For more information, contact NMU’s music department at 227-2563.

Jill Vermeulen
Student Writer