Sexual Violence Presentation Friday

Thursday 29, 2018

The Northern Michigan University Psychological Science Department will host a lecture titled “Investigating Sexual Violence in College-Aged Dating Couples: Does the Medium Affect the Message?” This free event will take place at 3 p.m. Friday, March 30, in 1322 Jamrich Hall.

The lecture will be given by Emily Plackowski, a candidate for the Master of Science in Psychological Science. She will present on the findings from her project, where she explored the reactions of college students to sexual violence scenarios. Participants of the project were presented with one of eight different sexual violence scenarios that included long-term, same-sex and opposite sex couples. Scenarios varied by presentation medium and the sex of assailant and victim.

Following each scenario, participants joined in a discussion and answered interpretative questions that helped to understand their conceptualizations of the scenario. Participants were also asked questions to help gather demographic information.

Doug Lindblom
Student Writer