Music Department Calendar and Schedules

All Department calendars (RRH Schedule, individual room schedules, etc.) have been shared with faculty and can be accessed directly through Google Calendar using your NMU gmail account. 

Faculty Request for/Record of Absence from Class

Please use this link to access the online form.  

Music Department Printer

Finale Music Notation Software 

If you are a faculty member or a student who needs to use Finale for a class, ensemble, lessons, etc., please visit the NMU HelpDesk - they will be happy to install this software on your NMU laptop.  Please see Mark Flaherty if you have questions about this software, or if you have any technical problems with this software on your laptop. 

Music LibGuide at the Lydia M. Olson Library 

This library guide covers a wide variety of full text resources for your studying and research needs. Work smarter, not harder by using this curated guide that includes only credible, reliable and accurate sources.  Visit the Music LibGuide here: