Alert! DegreeWorks is only available to students with programs in the 2024-2025 Catalog and forward. Pre-2024-2025 students can still reference their Degree Audit - CAPP.
Navigate to
In the first DegreeWorks screen you will be either able to enter a Student IN or perform an advanced search.
To do an advanced search, click "Advanced search"
This will pop up a "Find Students" page, from here you can enter a variety of information into the filter. Please note that if you select multiple options it will require those options. For example, selecting "Criminal Justice" and "English" will only yield results for students who belong to both programs.
Once you've filled in your criteria click search.
DegreeWorks will then provide you a list of students that meet that criteria. If 0 please revise your search criteria. Otherwise, you are able un-check students or...
Click "SELECT" to allow them to be viewed.
Now on the Degree Audits page you will be able to view the students from the list you created. Click the drop down "Select Students" to view and select a student.
You should now view the student's degree works. The first block is the student's information.
The second block will show you:
(1) Format: This will allow you to view the audit as an overall view (Student) or a checklist (Registration).
(2) Degree Progress: This % will show what percentage of requirements they have completed. This is a rough estimate and depends on what programs the student has officially documented. Their NMU GPA will also be listed after their first completed semester at NMU.
(3) Filter Options: You can toggle on and off if you would like to see "In-progress Classes" or "Preregistered classes". If you click one off or on, you must click process to view the results.
The next block will be the Degree Block. This block will show you the degree requirements. In this example we are looking at a Degree in Bachelor of Science.
We can see that this is "INCOMPLETE" and will remain incomplete until all requirements are met. Some requirements will list courses, others will describe the requirement.
The Degree may also require other connected requirements that will link to other blocks. Once those blocks are complete, they will be marked complete in their respective blocks and they will complete the requirement found in the degree.
Clicking on the block links will take you to those blocks, otherwise you can get there by scrolling down.
Tip! Every Degree has different requirements. The next few screens will show you how to read and audit.
In this block, the student is required to complete "General Education Requirements" We can see what is required, but we can also see that the student has a course listed.
(1) The red circle means that the requirement is not yet complete, and they should review the requirement to see what is still required.
(2) The student can also see what course applied to this requirement, and the course information. (For privacy, a false grade was entered). In this example we can see that EN 111 as applied towards the "Effective Communication (EEFC)" requirement.
(3) Information on transfer courses can be seen. Transfer courses will show "Satisfied by:". This student brought in ENGL101 transfer credit from Bay De Noc Community College, it was given an NMU equivalency of EN111.
A half-filled blue circle indicates that the requirement may be met with the successful completion of the listed course. They are either currently attending or pre-registered for the course. That course will be listed.
Requirements may be shown in groups. In this example the requirement is "Intermediate Composition" the student must choose from one of the following either HON101 and HON111 or EN211. Once completed the other options will be hidden and how the requirement was met will be shown.
Requirements will often show class options. Sometimes there are one, or multiple. In the general education there are a lot of options. You can hover over the course for the full title, otherwise for more information you can click on the course link.
Tip! The clipboard checkmark symbol signifies the course has a prerequisite course.
Clicking on the course will show full course information, with a link to search the course description in the bulletin and current offerings. Courses cannot be registered on this screen.
If a student has substitutions or waivers applied, you will see the comment "Exception by:" listed in the block. Each exception will be listed in the block it is tied to.
Also, a full list of exceptions can be found at the bottom of the audit.
Aside from program blocks there are "Electives - credits included". These are courses that the student has taken and apply towards graduation.
Some students may have the "General Electives - credits excluded". These are courses that do not count towards other blocks and are not needed to meet the 120 credits required to graduate.
Some students have "Courses not used" these do not apply towards any block or graduation. Typically, these are failed courses, withdrawals, or repeats.
If the student is preregistered for courses, near the bottom there will be a "Preregistered".
At the bottom of the page is legend and disclaimer.
Alert! The DegreeWorks audit is a tool that should be used in conjunction with the Academic Catalog and Academic Advising. Any errors should be discussed immediately with your Academic Adviser. An error on the audit does not mean a student is not responsible for meeting the requirements.