Official Transcript Definition

An official transcript is a complete representation of a student’s academic record. It includes all courses attempted at NMU, including those withdrawn from and those repeated. It also includes a summary of all transfer credits accepted by NMU. Academic work completed at different levels (vocational, undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate) is listed on separate transcripts with a separate GPA. Once a student graduates with their bachelor’s degree, that transcript is considered sealed and may not be updated. No additional credentials may be added to the undergraduate transcript and all subsequent coursework will appear on a post-baccalaureate or graduate transcript.

Official transcripts are required for transfer to another college or university. Official transcripts are also provided to confirm education for professional employment opportunities, teacher or nursing licensure and other credential verification.

Electronic Transcript Authenticity
An official transcript is one that has been received directly from Northern Michigan University. Electronic transcripts are considered official if delivered securely through an organization authorized by NMU. When viewed online, the transcript paper background has the college seal and registrar’s signature. The paper is green in color and Northern Michigan University is clearly printed in white over the face of the entire document. The Registrar’s signature is green with a white background. Transcripts received that do not meet these requirements should not be considered official. A complete transcript may include multiple transcripts in a non-computerized format [prior to Fall 1993]. 

Unofficial Transcript Definition

Transcripts that are not issued by Northern Michigan University, such as PDF copy from the student's MyNMU account  are not considered official. Unofficial transcripts do not have a college seal or registrar's signature. Unofficial transcripts cannot be used to transfer to another college or university or for certification and licensing purposes. Unofficial transcripts are typically for use by the student only. 

Former Students:
Transcripts ordered online can be used for unofficial purposes. Ordering a transcript using the online system is your only immediate option.

How to request a transcript