Resources for managing your award

Need to make modifications to your award? Both the Office of Sponsored Programs and the Controller's Office help NMU faculty and staff navigate steps for managing your grant or contract award. NMU uses Cognos for financial management of external funding.

Managing an award - clickable graphic
  • Modifying your grant or contract (coming soon)
  • NMU Purchasing resources (coming soon)
  • NMU hiring resources (coming soon)
  • NMU foreign travel resources
  • Performance tracking resources (coming soon)
  • Budget modification resources (coming soon)
  • No-Cost Extension form form must be submitted at least 15-calendar days prior to the end of the project period.
Closing an award - clickable graphic
  • NMU Controller's Office award close-out checklist (coming soon)
  • NMU OSP award close-out support (coming soon)