Reassigned Time Awards
The purpose of these awards is to support faculty scholarship, which is broadly defined as problem solving through conceptual means that can be evaluated and presented to others. Scholarship involves one or more of the four forms: 1) Discovery; 2) Integration; 3) Application; 4) Teaching. Applicants should determine a specified scholarly goal they wish to achieve, considering the impact of said scholarly goal, as well as the potential for future development of scholarly outcome from various external sponsored support resources.
Award duration is limited to one academic semester. Apply in the fall for reassigned time during the following winter. Apply in the winter for reassigned time during the following fall. Awards will correspond to release time of between one and four (1-4) load credits. Generally a faculty member will apply for one award per semester, but applications for two awards per semester will be considered.
DEADLINE: 1/17/2025 (applying for Fall 2025 award); MAX AWARD: 4 credits

SAMPLE PROPOSALS *Note that the guidelines have changed since these proposals were awarded

Any tenured, tenure-earning faculty or continuing-contract-status member may apply for a reassigned time award, with each award not to exceed four (4) load credits, to support scholarly activity. Normally, a faculty member will apply for one (1) award per semester, but a faculty member may apply for up to two (2) awards per semester. An individual may be granted up to three (3) reassigned time awards in a period of five (5) years. If an award recipient fails to submit a final report for a previous reassigned time award, they may not apply for a new reassigned time award until the semester following the submission date of the belated final report.

Applicants must complete their application through the Cayuse platform.
Reporting instructions
Faculty who receive a Reassigned Time Award are required to submit a final report by January 31 for Fall Semester awards and June 15 for Winter Semester awards. The report guidelines and submission instructions can be found here. In addition, a hard copy of the report must be submitted as part of the faculty member’s subsequent evaluation. If an award recipient fails to submit a final report, the applicant may not apply for a new grant for at least one year from the submission date of the belated final report.
If a PI would like to request a No-Cost Extension, this No-Cost Extension form must be submitted at least 15-calendar days prior to the end of the project period.
Additional information
End of First Week of Semester - A single PDF document with all proposal elements discussed below must be submitted to by the end of the first week of class in that semester. The Office of Sponsored Programs will coordinate with each department for departmental evaluation and ranking.
End of Third Week of Semester - Departmental committee sends ranked evaluations of applications to Faculty Grants Committee.
End of Fifth Week of Semester - The Faculty Grants Committee will make recommendations for awards, which will be announced by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.
Past Awards
Winter 2024
Evan Pratt
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Illuminating the oncometabolite D-2-HG in glioma cells using the novel fluorescent biosensor D2HGlo
Nick Dupras
Department: History
Project Title: Editing and Publication of "The Armorers and their Workshops: The Tools and Techniques of Medieval Armor Production"
Kel Sassi
Department: English
Project Title: Teacher Practices in English Education Alumni
Megan Nelson
Department: Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Climbing Lifestyle Intervention to Modify Physical Activity Behavior: A Pilot Study
Lee Roecker
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: How Important are Electronic Effects on the Base Hydrolysis of Cobalt Thioether
Maria Arenillas
Department: Languages, Literature, and International Studies
Project Title: Latin American Documentary Film and Its Communities
Fall 2024
Corey Toegel
Department: Psychological Science
Project Title: Evaluating Self-Controlled and Impulsive Choice in Animal Models
Yan Ciupak
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: A Book Project: "Working with the dying and grieving: Principles, cases, and tools"
Alexander Wilson
Department: Chemistry
Project Title: Chemical profile and biocontrol potential of endophytes harbored in Radula complanata (leafy liverwort) from Michigan
Kia Richmond
Department: English
Project Title: The Development of Mental Health Awareness and Social Emotional Learning in Adolescents through Young Adult Literature
Monica McFawn Robinson
Department: English
Project Title: Laughing in Unison: Sketch Comedy and Whole-Class Collaboration
Winter 2023
Yan Ciupak
Department: Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: The Effects of a Planner-Aided and Positive Psychology Informed Contemplative Pedagogy on College Students’ Wellbeing and Self-Efficacy During COVID-19
Lynn Domina
Department: English
Project Title: "The Evils of Drunkeness": Imagining a Dry Future in Isaac Polvi: The Autobiography of a Finnish Immagrant
Matt Frank
Department: English
Project Title: Painting an Expressionless Boy: A Hybrid Book of Poetry and Micro Lyric Essays
Danny Lebert
Department: Biology
Project Title: Creation of a zebrafish research colony
Cory Toegel
Department: Psychological Science
Project Title: Effects of Performance Feedback on Learning and Performance
Caroline Krzakowski
Department: English
Project Title: Refusing everyday totalitarianism in Józef Czapski’s Inhuman Land and Memories of Starobielsk
Jelili Adebiyi
Department: Earth, Environment, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Food Security and Nutrition Outcomes of Participation in Non-Certified Organic Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Nigerian Case Study
Jon Billman
Department: English
Project Title: The Infinity Intercept: The 1953 Kinross Incident, UFOs, and the Cold War Over Lake Superior
Kristen Smith
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Simulation Scholarship
Fall 2023
Matt Frank
Department: English
Project Title: Painting an Expressionless Boy: A Hybrid Book of Poetry and Micro Lyric Essays
Antony Aumann
Department: Philosophy
Project Title: The Lure of Beauty: Reflections on Art, Imagination, and Transformation
Rachel May
Department: English
Project Title: Conditions Suitable to Existence: Rediscovered Sister Scientists, Obsession, & the Asylum
Peter Felsman
Department: Social Work
Project Title: Applied Improv for Foster Youth's Social and Emotional Development
Brent Graves
Department: Biology
Project Title: Strategic Planning as Negotiation: A Merger of Two Approaches to University Leadership
Lanae Joubert
Department: Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Scholarship of Teaching: Food Systems Comparison Travel Course
Jelili Abediyi
Department: Earth, Environment, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Buyers' Acceptance of USDA Gap Audit Programs: Constraints, and Opportunities for Improved Implementation
Kurt Galbreath
Department: Biology
Project Title: Investigations on the Biogeography of Parasites - From Pikas to Parelaphostrongylus
Amber LaCrosse
Department: Psychological Science
Project Title: Genetic Alterations Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Winter 2022
Gabrielle McNally
Department: School of Art and Design
Project Title: Nos Disparus (Our Missing): A Documentary Film
Maria Arenillas
Department: Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Latin American Documentary Film and Its Communities
Wendy Farkas
Department: English
Project Title: Teaching Developmental Reading Within a Critical Social Justice Framework
Michelle Andriacchi
Department: School of Nursing
Project title: Animal Assisted Therapy at Northern Michigan University
Bryan Bulboz
Department: Criminal Justice and Loss Prevention
Project Title: "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder": Mental Health Problems among Former Gang Members
Fall 2022
Stephen Hughes
Department: School of Art & Design
Project Title: Re-Emergent: Solo Exhibition Development
Keith Ellis
Department: School of Art & Design
Project Title: Revolve Creative Collaboration Conference: Year 3 Expansion
Ryan Stock
Department: Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Left in the Dark: A whole systems analysis of environmental injustices from solar photovoltaics
Matt Frank
Department: English
Project Title: Painting an Expressionless Boy: A Hybrid Book of Poetry and Micro Lyric Essays
Jon Billman
Department: English
Project Title: Stars Mistaken for Jets: The 1953 Kinross Incident, UFO's, and the Cold War over Lake Superior
Lin Fang
Department: Psychological Science
Project Title: The nature of interpretational bias for negative emotional information: evidence from eye-
tracking and resting-state functional connectivity
Nelly Kupper
Department: Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: French Camp for Young Leamers Online Format
Martin Reinhardt
Department: Center for Native American Studies
Project Title: Indigenous Foods Research Manuscript Completion Project
Timothy Compton
Department: Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Mexico in its Theatre
Winter 2021
Marek Haltof
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Historical Dictionary of Polish Cinema: Third Edition
Lin Fang
Department: Department of Psychological Sciences
Project Title: The relationship between cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation: from laboratory to daily life
Fall 2021
Lin Fang
Department: Psychological Sciences
Project Title: The relationship between cognitive flexibility and emotion regulation: from laboratory to daily life
Kurt Galbreath
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Resolving a parasite's past: Genomic perspectives on the evolution of ta tapeworm species complex
Josh Carlson
Department: Department of Psychological Sciences
Project Title: Changing the way we look at climate change: Using attention training to increase attentional focus on climate change relevant images.
April Lindala
Department: Center for Native American Studies
Project Title: Practices of Indeginous Survivance in Academia: Reflections on Reimaging STEM
Michelle Andriacchi
Department: School of Nursing
Project title: Animal Assisted Therapy at Northern Michigan University
Winter 2020
Ryan Stock
Department: Environmental, Earth, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Sustaining inequality: Examining gendered labor configurations and female (dis)empowerment by solar power
Maria Arenillas
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Indigenous Peoples of Southern Patagonia in Documentary Film: Toward a Dialectical Archive
Michael Broadway
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, And Geographical Studies
Project Title: Spaces for Consumption: The Changing Geography of Haute Cuisine Restaurants in Chicago
Caroline Krzakowski
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Paperwork: Treaties and Cold War Literature
Neil Kupper
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: French National Standards Revision and Presentation at AATF
Russell Prather
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Three Visual Art Exhibitions
Marcus Robyns
Department: Lydia M. Olson Library
Porject Title: Ithaka S-R Research Project: Teaching with Primary Sources
Jaspal Singh
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Competing Empires in South Africa and Burma: Alienation, Displacement, and Interconnections in Colonial and Postcolonial Literature
Fall 2020
Yan Ciupak
Department: Sociology & Anthropology
Project Title: Social Mobility and Global Migration: A Longitudinal Study of the Chinese Transnationals
Antony Aumann
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: Personal Ideals, Transformations, and the Power of Art
Brent Graves
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Effects of Faculty Strikes on University Functions
Steven Hughes
Department: School of Art and Design
Project Title: Plein Air Painting for a Changing Time
Robert Whalen
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Correcting the Textual Record: New Herbert Manuscripts
Tara Foster
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Designing and Implementing an Innovative French Curriculum
Tom Isaacson
Department: College of Business
Project Title: Four Decades of Public Relations with Major League Baseball's Longest Tenured Owner - Jerry Reinsdorf and the Chicgao White Sox
Russell Prather
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Two Solo Visual Art Exhibitions, Three Group Exhibitions and a Conference Paper
Madelyn Pawlowski
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Locating and Supporting the Developing Pedagogical Language Knowledge of College Writing Instructors
Winter 2019
Michael Broadway
Department: Environmental, Earth, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Food Tourism and a Sense of Place in Marquette County
Brandon Gerig
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Predicting contaminant transfer by migratory fish to the Boardman River, Michigan following dam removal AND Determining the impact of common carp on wild rice restoration in an embayment of the St. Marys River, Michigan
Brent Graves
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Analysis of Faculty Affairs Administration in US Public, Comprehensive Universities
Caroline Krzakowski
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Modernist Institutions
Diana Lafferty
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Effects of Anthropogenic Perturbations on the Gut Microbiome of Mammals: Implications for Wildlife Health, Conservation, and Management Across Diverse Ecosystems
Megan McConville
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Putting Marquette on the Map; Developing a citizen/student science water quality monitoring project in Whetstone Brook and Orianna Creek
Jacquie Medina
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: A Cluster of Essays for Modemism Modernity Print Plus
Jaspal Singh
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Being Sikh: Gender and Resistance in Contemporary Sikh Traditions
Robert Whalen
Department: Department of English
Project Title: George Herbert’s Musae Responsoriae: A Scholarly Edition
Fall 2019
Heather Isaacson
Department: School of Clinical Sciences
Project Title: Assessing the impact of computer-based simulations on the Inter-professional Education of Undergraduate Students
Marek Haltof
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Screen as Battlefield: Contested Memories in Central European Cinema
Matthew Frank
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Painting an Expressionless Boy: A Hybrid Book of Poetry and Micro Lyric Essays
Matthew Jennings
Department: School of Clinical Sciences
Project Title: Development of an HIV Diagnostic Assay
Nelly Kuper
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Fast Track French
Marcus Robyns
Department: Lydia M. Olson Library
Project Title: Ithaka S-R Research Project: Teaching with Primary Sources
Neil Russell
Department: Department of Physics
Project Title: Creating the January 2020 Edition of the Data Tables for Lorentz and CPT Violation
Leah Shon
Department: Department of Criminal Justice and Loss Prevention
Project Title: Child Molesters as Volunteers: Characteristics & Justification Patterns between Non-repeat and Repeat Child Molesters within the Boy Scouts of America
Jessica Thompson
Department: College of Business
Project Title: Environmental Campaigns Textbook
Winter 2018
Jon Billman
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Cold Vanish: Disappearing in North America’s Wildlands
Matthew Gavin Frank
Department: Department of English
Project Title: A Brief Atmospheric Future: A Book-length Essay
Norma Froelich
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: Development and Application of a Model for Estimating Water Vapor Fluxes during Measurement Gaps, for a Mid-latitude Mixed Deciduous Forest
Kurt Galbreath
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Enhancing infrastructure for biodiversity research: helping mammalogists find their inner parasitologist
Amy Hamilton
Department: Department of English
Project Title: “This World that walks”: Cultural Destruction, Cultural renewal, and Social Justice on the Trail of North American Indigenous Removal
Patricia Killelea
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Letters to Dead Foxes: A Poetic Exploration of the Fox in Myth & Culture
Weronika Kusek
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: Facilitating Research Opportunity for a Tenure-Track Faculty Member
James McCommons
Department: Department of English
Project Title: A Land Apart: A 90,000 World Narrative-Nonfiction Book
Sarah Mittelfeldht
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: The Use of History for Thinking about the Cultural & Political Challenges of Developing Renewable Energy Technologies: A Case Study of Solar Power in the US
Russell Prather
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Solo Exhibition at the Duluth Art Institute, March-April 2018
Josh Thompson
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Marquette Trail Study
Fall 2018
Catherine Bammert
Department: School of Clinical Sciences
Project Title: Molecular Biomarkers in Colorectal Cancer: a characterization of individual mutations, primary tumor “sidedness” and overall patient survival
Maria Arenillas
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Justice in Latin American Documentary and Non-fiction Film
Jon Billman
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Cold Vanish: Disappearing in North America’s Wildlands and a Father’s Quest to Find His Son
Brent Graves
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: A Review and Analysis of College and Department Organization in U.S. Public, Comprehensive Universities
Scott Jordan
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Aerial Adventure Environments: The Theory and Practice of Challenge Course Technology
Rebecca Ulland
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Fractured Diasporic Identities in Silvia Plager’s La Rabina
Robert Whalen
Department: Department of English
Project Title: George Herbert’s Musae Responsoriae: A Scholarly Edition
Winter 2017
Gabe Logan
Department: History
Project Title: The early history of Chicago soccer 1890-1939
Jon Billman
Department: Department of English
Project Title: American ginseng: The continued evolution of a novel based on a true story
Lisa Schade-Eckert
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Literacy theory & teaching literature: Implications of contemporary trends & practices
Tara Foster
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Le Roman de Saladin: Middle French edition with modern English translation
Amy Hamilton
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Peregrinations: Walking in American culture
Michael Letts
Department: School of Art and Design
Project Title: Drawing from an Ancient Coast
Rebecca Mead
Department: Department of History
Project Title: The woman suffrage movement in Michigan: A centennial retrospective
Jaspal Singh
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Violence & resistance in Sikh gendered identity
Greg Warchol
Department: Department of Criminal Justice and Loss Prevention
Project Title: Firearms Carried on Campus: NMU Faculty Opinions
Helen Wedin
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Men in nursing: Publishing results of a longitudinal bi-phasic data collection study
Renxin Yang
Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: Floating willow flowers in English
Fall 2017
Donna Becker
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Exploring Sustainable Approaches for Improving Nutrient Density of Crops in Degraded U.P. Soil.
Josh Carlson
Department: Department of Psychological Science
Project Title: Programmatic Research in Cognitive x Affective Behavior and Integrated Neuroscience
Christi Edge
Department: School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service
Project Title: Literacy/Language Arts Teacher Education: an Invited Chapter for the International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education
Matthew Frank
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Cold War Women and the Memory of the Lost Cause
Robert Legg
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Maintaining Healthy Futures: Water quality, policy and sustainable development an international MoU among NMU, partnering institutions and the developing world
Monica McFawn
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Anchorage: An Original TV Pilot
Marguerite Moore
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Pediatric and Adult Populations
Adam Prus
Department: Department of Psychological Science
Project Title: Programmatic Research in Cognitive x Affective Behavior and Integrated Neuroscience
Matthew Van Grinsven
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Use of Spatial Analysis to Quantify the Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on Black Ash Wetland Soil Carbon Cycling in the Great Lakes Region
Alan Willis
Department: Department of History
Project Title: Narrating the new nation and Violence and resistance in Sikh gendered identity
Zhang Qinghong
Department: Department of Math and Computer Sciences
Project Title: Compound Duality Classification Theory for Geometric Programming
Winter 2016
Josh Sharp
Department: Biology
Project Title: Relationship between Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Nasal Colonization and Vaccination with a Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in Adults
Brandon Canfield
Department: Department of Chemistry
Project Title: “Secondary Metabolite Characterization in Thimbleberry: Publication of Initial Results”
Yan Ciupak
Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: “Chinese Higher Education and Actionable Research”
Christi Edge
Department: School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service
Project Title: “Becoming Teachers in Field-Based Methods Courses: A Phenomenological Study”
Wendy Farkas
Department: Department of English
Project Title: “Evaluating A Transitional Reading Program”
Robert Goodrich
Department: Department of History
Project Title: “Development of “Reaching to the Past” Role Playing Pedagogy- Democracy in Crisis-Germany 1929-1932”
Jennifer Howard
Department: Department of English
Project Title: “You are on Mars: Stories”
Yu Liu
Department: Department of Chemistry
Project Title: “Construct Supramolecular Catalyst with a New Approach: Aromatic Donor-Acceptor Interaction”
Sarah Mittlefehldt
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: “The Paradox of Local Power, A History of Homegrown Energy”
Elizabeth Monske
Department: Department of English
Project Title: “Writing and Composing in the Age of MOOCS”
Cheryl Reed
Department: Department of English
Project Title: “Map of Her Escape: A Novel”
Fall 2016
Gabriel Brahm
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Sublimated Anti-Semitism: Jew-Hatred and the Jewish State
Mollie Freier
Department: Lydia Olson Library
Project Title: Librarians as Detectives in Mystery Fiction, 1970-2016
Marek Haltof
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Polish National Cinema. Second Edition
Amy Hamilton
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Peregrinations: Walking in American Literature
Lesley Larkin
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Reading in the Postgenomic Age
Robert Legg
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: Building Health Futures: Water Quality, Policy, and Sustainable Development in the Lake Victoria Region, Uganda: Maintaining an International Memorandum of Understanding among Partnering Institutions in the European Union and East Africa and Michigan
Rachel May
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Stitches in Time
Monica McFawn
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Keel: A Novel
Mary Tremethick
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: The Long Term Effects of Short Term Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs in Honduras
Matthew Van Grinsven
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: A Regional Synthesis of Linkages Between Soil Temperature, Water Table and Gaseous Soil-Carbon Emissions in Black Ash Wetlands and their Responses to a Simulated Emerald Ash Borer Disturbance
Kevin Waters
Department: Department of Criminal Justice and Loss Prevention
Project Title: Low Self-Control, Opportunity, and Risky Lifestyles: Risk Factors for Alcohol and Drug Incapacitation Rape on a Midwestern University Campus
Winter 2015
Rachel Nye
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Oral Health Literacy Project
Jaspal Singh
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Narrating the New Nation: South African Indian Fiction
Weronika Kusek
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: The Construction and Development of Diasporic Networks by Recent Polish Migrants to London, UK
Caroline Krzakowski
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Work of Diplomacy in British Fiction and Film 1935-1970
Fall 2015
Jon Billman
Department: English
Project Title: American Ginseng: A Novel
Maria Arenillas
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Memory Politics and Transitional Justice
Antony Aumann
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: Kierkegaard on Authenticity
Norma Froelich
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: Seasonal and Diurnal Changes in Soil Moisture, Groundwater, and Evapotranspiration at Borden Forest, Ontario
Kurt Galbreath
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Big Ideas in Beringian Biogeography
Valerie Hedges
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Establishment of a Neuroscience Research Lab and Hamster Breeding Colony
Caroline Krzakowski
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Work of Diplomacy in British Fiction and Film 1930-1970
James McCommons
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Prevalence and Circumstances of Locomotive Explosions
Katherine Menard
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Furthering the Understanding of the Importance of Collegiality among Bedside Nurses
Russell Prather
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Solo Exhibition at Finlandia University, Participation in Art Prize and Image Conference and Exhibition
Jon Sherman
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: The Discarded Head
Winter 2014
Matt Bell
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Scrapper: A Novel
Lisa Schade-Eckert
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Becoming a Rural Educator: Teaching and Learning English in Rural Communities
Keith Ellis
Department: School of Art and Design
Project Title: SASS and Compass: New Elements in Web Design
Tara Foster
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: On the Margins of King Arthur’s World and the Roman de Saladin
Mollie Freier
Department: Lydia Olson Library
Project Title: Rare Books in Detective Fiction: Information as Object
Marek Haltof
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Screening Auschwitz: Wanda Jakubowska's "The Last Stage" (1948) and the Politics of Commemoration
Sharavan Rajagopal
Department: School of Art and Design
Project Title: The Yantra Project
Josh Sharp
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Laser-based Rapid Identification of Staphylococcus aureus and MRSA
Suzanne Williams
Department: Department of Chemistry
Project Title: How Much DNA is on Your Laptop: Developing a Protocol for Quantifying Trace DNA
Fall 2014
Antony Aumann
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: On Kierkegaard, Art and Autonomy
Jason Bishop
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Development of the Perceived Motor Competence Scale & Remote Supervision of Student Teachers
Nathaniel Greenberg
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Aesthetic of Revolution in Naguib Mahfouz’s Postwar Masterpieces
Michael Harrington
Department: Department of Criminal Justice and Loss Prevention
Project Title: Prison Misconduct and the Construct of Prison Maladjustment
Elizabeth Monske
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Investigating Best Practices in Online Writing Instruction
Marguerite Moore
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Neurocognitive and balance recovery curves in youth following mild traumatic brain injury
Russell Prather
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Visual Art Exhibition and Image Conference in Berlin
Jessica Thompson
Department: College of Business
Project Title: Communicating Conservation: Integrating Scientist and Stakeholder Knowledge in Ecological Restoration Decision Making Tools
Winter 2013
Scott Demel
Department: Sociology and Social Work
Project Title: Uncovering a Lost History: The Historical Archaeology of Beaver Island’s Cable’s Bay Fishing Village
Maria Arenillas
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: "Home Is where the Haunt Is:” The Future of Inheritance in Contemporary Argentine Literature
Matthew Bell
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Book on Detroit’s Metal Scrap Industry
Zac Cogley
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: Basic Desert And Reactive Emotions
Lisa Schade-Eckert
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Leaders in the field of English Education and Rural Education studies
Lisa Flood
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Blood Transfusion Simulation: Assessment of Student Learning
Tara Foster
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Translating the Roman de Saladin
Sarah Jones
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: The marginalization of LGBT students and faculty, and the marginalization of women
Michael Joy
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Mysterious Lights and Unhinged Knights: Quixotic Quests in Journal of a UFO Investigator
Katherine Teeter
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: An investigation of epigenetic disruptions in Mus hybrids
Fall 2013
Rebecca Ulland
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Scrapper: Daughter of Silence by Manuela Fingueret and the Recuperation of the Jewish Voice
Antony Aumann
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: Self- Love and Neighbor-Love in KierkGaard’s Ethics
Matthew Bell
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Zone: A Novel
Matthew Frank
Department: Department of English
Project Title: The Oaxaca Essays
Mollie Freier
Department: Lydia Olson Library
Project Title: The Setting of the Library in Detective Fiction
Kurt Galbreath
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Enhancing NMU’s Biological Collections as Resources for Biodiversity Research and Teaching
Marek Haltof
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Screening Auschwitz: Wanda Jakubowska’s The Last Stage (1948) and the Politics of Commemoration
Michael Kowalczyk
Department: Department of Math and Computer Science
Project Title: A Move Towards a Better Comprehension of Holant Problems
Adam Prus
Department: Department of Psychological Science
Project Title: NIH Grant Proposal to Study Treatments for Anxiety Disorders
Martin Reinhardt
Department: Center for Native American Studies
Project Title: Decolonizing Diet Project Analysis and Reporting Phase Support
Zhang Quinghong
Department: Department of Math and Computer Science
Project Title: Geometry and Duality in Copositive Optimization
Winter 2012
Jonathan Allen
Department: Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Project Title: Memory Politics and Transitional Justice
Marie Arenillas
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Memory Politics and Transitional Justice
Matthew Frank
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Moses Harvey and the Giant Squid
Kurt Galbreath
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Diversity, Evolution, and Biogeographic History of Northern Parasites
Peter Goodrich
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Thinking Forward About the Past: Toward a Global Middle Ages
Alex Ruuska
Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: Place, Performance, and Social Memory in the 1890's Ghost Dance
Bitsy Wedin
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Men in Nursing
Fall 2012
Maria Arenillas
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: “Home Is where the Haunt Is:” The Future of Inheritance in Contemporary Argentine Literature
Matthew Bell
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Book on Detroit’s Metal Scrap Industry
Zac Cogley
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: Basic Desert And Reactive Emotions
Scott Demel
Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: Uncovering a Lost History: The Historical Archaeology of Beaver Island’s Cable’s Bay Fishing Village
Lisa Schade-Eckert
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Leaders in the field of English Education and Rural Education studies
Lisa Flood
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Blood Transfusion Simulation: Assessment of Student Learning
Tara Foster
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Translating the Roman de Saladin
Sarah Jones
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: The marginalization of LGBT students and faculty, and the marginalization of women
Michael Joy
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and International Studies
Project Title: Mysterious Lights and Unhinged Knights
Eileen Smit
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Experiences of Honduran Nurse Preceptors and American Students
Katherine Teeter
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: An investigation of epigenetic disruptions in Mus hybrids
Winter 2011
Amy Hamilton
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Rethinking the Literary “Old West”: Western American Literature Before 1800
Bao Truong
Department: Department of Mathematics & Computer Sciences
Project Title: “Necessary conditions in multiobjective optimization in general Banach spaces and applications” (manuscript)
James McCommons
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Research for book on George Shiras III
Russell Prather
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Palimpsest Paintings for the UP Focus Show at NMU’s DeVos Museum
Jaspal K. Singh
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Imagining Nations and Homelands: Gender and Sikh Identity in Indian and Diasporic Literature
Fall 2011
Gabriel Brahm
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Re-Orientalism: Edward Said, Postcolonial Theory, and the “New Anti-Semitism”; and, Festschrift for Paul Hollander.
Zac Cogley
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: The Three-Fold Significance of the Blaming Emotions
Matthew Gavin Frank
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Moses Harvey and The Giant Squid
Linda Lawton
Department: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Project Title: Micro Finance Institution Lending Impact on Female Entrepreneurship
Jonathan M. Hanes
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences
Project Title: Biophysical Applications of Satellite Remote Sensing
Shravan Rajagopal
Department: School of Art and Design
Project Title: Yantra: A Grammar of Archetypal Space
Alex K. Ruuska
Department: Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Project Title: Tracing the Trail: Indigenous Postal Carriers Underwriting a Nation-making Experiment.
Winter 2010
Gabriel Brahm
Department: Department of English
Project Title: “Edward Said and Frantz Fanon: the Politics of Post-Colonial Theory
Nanci Gasiewicz
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: “Satisfaction Among Adult Inpatients With Diabetes When Glycemic Control is Managed by a Nurse Practitioner Led Diabetes Management Team” (manuscript)
Amy T. Hamilton
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Rethinking the Literary "Old West": Western American Literature Before 1800
Lesley Larkin
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Book Project: Reading, Race, and Twentieth-Century African American Literature
Melissa Romero
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: Personal Growth and Benefit Finding Experiences in Bereaved Family Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia: Manuscript
Fall 2010
Adam Prus
Department: Department of Psychological Sciences
Project Title: Psychopharmacology textbook
Lesley Larkin
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Reading, Race, and Twentieth-Century African American Literature
Marguerite Moore
Department: School of Health and Human Performance
Project Title: Migraine Symptom progression in the postdrome phase
Zac Cogley
Department: Department of Philosophy
Project Title: Wrath and Patience
Amy T. Hamilton
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Rethinking the Literary “Old West”: Western American Literature Before 1800
Terry Delpier
Department: School of Nursing
Project Title: CA-MRSA Threat: Manuscript
Fall 2009
Derek L. Anderson
Department: School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service
Project Title: Elementary Teacher Education Candidates’ Perceptions on Social Studies
K. C. Holder
Department: School of Education, Leadership, and Public Services
Project Title: Charter school monitoring: Constituents’ value of processes and products
David Houston Wood
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Disabling the Renaissance: Recovering Disability in Early Modern Europe
Gabriel Brahm
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Anti-American Studies
Catherine Terwilliger
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Hen Book Proposal
Erich Ottem
Department: Department of Biology
Project Title: Establishment of Transgenic Mouse Colonies for Use in Neuromuscular Disease Research
Michael Joy
Department: Department of Modern Languages, Literature, and International Studies
Project Title: Emblematic Imagery in the Dracula manual 1 A Cervantine Reading of The Wrestler.
Lesley Larkin
Department: Department of English
Project Title: Book Proposal: “And in this Task We Create the Self: Reading Race and Twentieth-Century African American Literature
Robert Legg
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Studies
Project Title: Updating GIS at NMU, a response to the rapid develop[ment]s and future change in this field.
Hsin-Ling Hsieh
Department: Department of Economics
Project Title: Panel Co-integration Analysis of Cigarette Taxes and Health: the Case of Respiratory Cancers