two students work under hood of car

Automotive Service Technology

Two Year Associate of Technology Degree

Students enrolled in the associate degree program complete the same technical courses as the automotive service certificate program plus liberal studies courses which further prepare them for employment as service technicians and may increase the opportunity to advance their career. 

For students interested in pursuing a degree beyond the associate, the credits earned in the Automotive Service Technology program are transferable to a baccalaureate degree program in industrial technology or technology and applied sciences with no loss of credi

Program Details
student looks over chart in car

Automotive Service

Two Year Certificate

The two-year automotive technician certificate program prepares graduates for employment in the automotive repair industry as maintenance and service technicians by providing skills training in all the major areas of automotive diagnosis and repair.

Upon graduation, you will have several options relative to job placement including: specializing in a single area of automotive repair, focusing on the diagnosis and repair of specific automotive car lines at a dealership, or servicing a wide range of vehicles in most or all areas of repair in the independent sector.

Program Details
student works on engine

Automotive Maintenance

One Year Certificate

The one-year automotive maintenance certificate program is a one year program providing students with an accelerated path toward entry-level employment in the automotive field.

Program Details
Students studying automotive technology

Automotive Service Technology


A minor in automotive service technology can complement other majors, such as business, engineering, or transportation, allowing students to combine their passion for automotive technology with their chosen field of study. This program equips students with practical skills, industry knowledge, and a competitive edge in the dynamic and evolving automotive sector.

Program Details