What It's All About
Automotive technicians are multi-disciplinary problem-solvers - they're mechanics, scientists, mathematicians, engineers, and technological innovators. Critical thinking is the foundation of the program as a variety of career opportunities beyond automotive service rely upon the knowledge and skills developed in this classroom. This program emphasizes real world application with significant time in hands-on labs, and students learn a blend of mechanical engineering, electrical systems, and computer diagnostics, combining traditional mechanical skills with modern technology. For those with the drive to be lifelong learners and problem solvers, the NMU Automotive Technology program is the space for you.

Automotive Service Technology
Automotive Service
Automotive Maintenance
Automotive Service Technology
What does a career in automotive services look like?
A career in automotive services entails working in various capacities within the automotive industry, focusing on the maintenance, repair, and overall servicing of vehicles. Professionals in this field may be automotive technicians who diagnose and fix mechanical issues, service advisors who interact with customers and provide guidance on vehicle maintenance, or automotive engineers who design and innovate vehicle components and systems.
A career in automotive services often involves staying up-to-date with evolving automotive technologies, utilizing specialized tools and equipment, and continuously learning and adapting to new advancements in the industry. It requires strong problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and a passion for automobiles, as well as the ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team.
Why should I consider a minor in automotive?
It turns out that having experience in automotive maintenance and repairs is a helpful skill for a number of careers - including some you probably haven't considered. Whether your job requires you to travel extensively, to remote areas, or to operate a vehicle on a regular basis, having an understanding of how a vehicle works and what to do when it doesn't is a very valuable skill that could set you apart from others.
I'm still in high school: am I able to take classes? What about middle college?
We proudly partner with MARESA (Marquette-Alger Regional Education Service Agency) to provide both CTE and middle college options to students in high school or taking a fifth year. This is a great opportunity for hands on experience to discover if this may be the field for you. With time on the university's campus and in labs, students participate in college-level classes and may earn college credit, certifcates, or associate degrees.
Program Links
- Have you taken automotive courses? Check if you have credit here!
- Student Application for Articulated CTE Credit
The Technology and Occupational Sciences office is at Northern Michigan University's Jacobetti Complex, Room 105.
Phone: 906-227-2190
Email: tos@nmu.edu
Automotive Services Faculty & Staff
Seth Figler | Instructor
Phone: 906-227-1538
Email: sfigler@nmu.edu
Randal Klitzke | Associate Professor
Phone: 906-227-1539
Email: raklitzk@nmu.edu