What It's All About

Through industry-aligned curriculum, students enrolled in the Food Service Operations and Hospitality Leadership program are educated in the operating functions, management, and leadership of a variety of industry establishments related to food service and tourism. Advanced management skills are a highlight of our program and are learned in both the traditional classroom and through the hands-on operation of our student-run restaurant operations. Our program opens doors for skilled and innovative individuals, graduating confident, authentic leaders dedicated to lifelong learning and the profession's advancement with strong alumni relationships serving the local, regional, and national hospitality community.

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food in the training kitchen

"The Hospitality program has presented me the opportunity to build friendships through teamwork, while also learning how to take my work more seriously. There is a big sense of community and it truly helps motivate me to continue working towards my goals; it helps me knowing that we are all supporting each other, but also willing to critique one another’s work when we feel it’s necessary."

Max Anglemyer


Hospitality Leadership

Bachelor of Applied Science

A four-year (120 credits) program for students interested in developing diverse leadership skills necessary to operate small and large businesses and the teams within them, gaining industry-specific knowledge in human resources, financial management, and diverse business operations.

Program Outline

Food Service Operations

Associate of Applied Science

A two-year (60 credits) program providing students with a hands-on foundation of the skills needed for entry-level positions in the food and beverage industry.

Program Outline

Hospitality Systems


This 16 credit minor provides guest services-oriented students an opportunity to work with faculty to build an individual course plan suiting your career goals.

Program Outline

North Fork, NMU's Teaching Kitchen

NorthFork, NMU's teaching kitchen

When guests dine at North Fork, they are active in educating tomorrow's hospitality leaders. While guest satisfaction is what we train for, the overall goal of the Training Kitchen is to advance the education of our students.

North Fork, NMU’s Teaching Kitchen is a dining laboratory developed, staffed, and operated by NMU’s Food Service Operations and Hospitality Leadership students as a working classroom. This unique dining opportunity evolves with our student's goals and aspirations as they lead the direction of our menu creation and service style each semester. While operating the Teaching Kitchen, students gain experience developing and managing a fine dining kitchen, dining room, and service staff in a hands-on environment.

North Fork, NMU's Teaching Kitchen, will be open for events during the Winter 2025 semester.

Learn more here!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The opportunity to diversify your resume with certifications in various languages and leadership, minors in entrepreneurship, marketing and business management
  • You're able to participate and enjoy the entire college experience - from student run clubs, to dorm life, to events and athletics
  • Options like Study Abroad and the Disney College Experience are available and encouraged
  • Additional certifications are part of your coursework along with networking opportunities and resume building experiences
  1. Bridges the Knowledge Gap: Culinary school is for more than those who aspire to be Chefs. While NMU’s culinary school heavily focuses on food service, it also provides skills such as procurement, cost management, team dynamics, and leadership that assist those who desire to work in various aspects of food service. Distributors, dietitians, sanitation leads, food service design, marketing, consulting. 
  2. Dedication to YOUR Growth: The time and attention dedicated to your growth in culinary school can’t be replicated on the job. While restaurants are dedicated to service, schools are dedicated to learning. Your education is the purpose of the environment created by your instructors, who dedicate their time to answering your questions and allowing you room to make mistakes without holding up the service of an established business. At NMU, small lab class sizes are prioritized to ensure individualized attention.
  3. Understand The How, Not Just The Why: NMU’s Food Service Operations program recognizes experience within the food service industry is essential to know if you like the industry, but taking the time to be exposed to the science and art of food, the diverse skills, equipment, and leadership of the industry provided through culinary training will enhance your career outlook and potential.
  4. Reduced Training Time: Employers can ensure new hires come with a certain level of knowledge, saving time in on-the-job training and enhancing the graduate's pay scale.
  5. Passion and Dedication: Your dedication to education shows your dedication to the industry. Employers experience high turnover in this field, and hiring employees who have already dedicated themselves through training benefits an organization’s bottom line.
  6. Increased Professionalism (Structure and Discipline): Exposure to kitchen etiquette leads to employable habits and ensures you are equipped to keep up. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who will hold you accountable provides an advantage when growing your career. 
  7. NMU is a Unique Choice: Unlike many two-year culinary arts and hospitality programs, NMU can diversify your resume and support you in ways typical trade schools cannot. 
  8. Build a Network and Feel Supported: NMU (and Marquette) is unique among two-year culinary programs for the diversity of opportunities the on-campus experience can provide. By attending a public university, Food Service students gain access to leadership, entrepreneurship, and business administration courses to assist them in diversifying their career potential. Being part of such a large community provides access to student clubs, career networking and mentorship opportunities, and community engagement. In addition to the myriad of opportunities within seeking your degree, NMU provides post-education career support.
  1. This people-centered program aims to change the stigmas associated with the hospitality field, engaging students in traditional trade skills alongside team and leadership training.
  2. Experiential, real time learning leads to
    • Creative Problem-Solving skills
    • Entrepreneurial mindsets
    • Innovations
  3. While customer service is an essential part of all industries, this degree places it first, while engaging students in career skills spanning food service, events, marketing, tourism, health and wellness and more.
  4. Degree leads to various segments of professional industry
  5. Global employment opportunity
    • Always in-demand skills
  6. Dynamic and Captivating Employment Opportunities: (management jobs are available, as well as a wide diversity of other positions in areas such as real estate, IT, marketing and branding.)
  7. Attending a public university provided diverse learning opportunities to grow your resume.
  8. Growing potential as both a skills based and administrative field
  9. Jumpstart career potential among like-minded peers creating networking experience for a career in a fast-paced, ever changing industry

We do! Our students and faculty adhere to a uniform policy for a number of reasons, including professional appearance, safety, and sanitation. Our policy is as follows:

Standardized Uniform & Personal Hygiene Policy
The uniform policy applies to all lab coursework during and outside classroom hours, volunteer opportunities, and club or association endeavors for students and faculty. Upholding this policy reflects high professional appearance standards by instructors and students to ensure that sanitation and safety policies are met per state and/or local food service regulations and that accreditation standards through the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation Accrediting Committee are upheld. 

“NMU Standardized Uniform Requirements” refers to the program's preselected and embroidered chef wears. 

Culinary Lab / Back-of-House Uniform Policy: 

  1. List of NMU Standardized Uniform Requirements provided by the program via course service fee (see note below):

    1. NMU Standardized Chef Jacket (one long and one short-sleeved provided)

    2. NMU Standardized Chef Pants (two pairs provided)

    3. NMU Standardized Beret (two provided, additional options available to ensure hair restraint based on individual need)

    4. NMU Standardized Digital Thermometer (one provided) 

    5. NMU standardized Apron (provided daily via rental service)

Note: The above uniform requirements are provided via the HM115 Professional Cooking I course service fee. Students who are not required to take HM115 and students who require replacement items must purchase these uniform pieces through the program. Costs are based on the program's annual evaluation of the service fee.

  1. List of NMU Standardized Uniform Requirements provided by the student (see note below): 

    1. Black, non-absorbent, non-slip, close-toed shoes (no mesh shoes allowed)

    2. Blank white short/long sleeve shirts (To be worn under chef coats. If a logo is visible through the coat, it will not be permitted)

    3. Black permanent marker (sharpie)

    4. Black or blue ink pen

    5. Pocket-sized notebook

Note: Students are expected to have the above student-provided materials by the beginning of the third week of the first semester to ensure safety and sanitation in the culinary lab. 

North Fork Restaurant / Front-of-House Uniform Policy: 

  1. List of NMU Standardized Uniform Requirements provided by the program (see note below):

    1. Name tag

    2. Apron

    3. Black, full-length, or ¾ length-collared dress shirt 

    4. Themed accessories 

Note: The program provides the above uniform requirements based on the course/event needs commonly designated by the student body to fulfill service needs. 

  1. List of NMU Standardized Uniform Requirements provided by the student (see note below): 

    1. Black, full-length dress pants or black knee-length or longer skirt 

    2. Black undershirt as needed

    3. Black, non-absorbent, non-slip, close-toed shoes (no mesh shoes allowed)

    4. Black socks

    5. Front-of-house hair restraint as required (see personal hygiene below)

Note: The above uniform requirements outline the most common uniform needs for operating the program's North Fork restaurant. These requirements are subject to change based on event styling. Each event will require a uniform check-in date, on which clothing selections will be assessed for fit to ensure safety, sanitation, and uniformity.


All Uniform Personal Hygiene and Jewelry Policy:

Personal Hygiene: 

  1. Uniforms must be clean and free of significant stains or wrinkles.

  2. Chef coats must be fully buttoned and long sleeves folded to prevent dragging.

  3. Pants should be worn at the waist and no less than ankle length but not touching the ground.

    1. Denim jeans, joggers, and yoga-style pants are not permitted.

  4. Hair must be restrained based on position type.

    1. Back-of-house positions require all hair to be restrained in an NMU-standardized uniform-provided hat, including bangs secured off the face, with no “fly-aways” exposed.

    2. Front-of-house positions require hair longer than shoulder length to be securely tied back, ensuring no contact with service trays or the need for the student to touch their hair continuously. 

  5. Facial hair is not to exceed ⅛” in length, or a beard net is required.

  6. Aprons must be worn while in the kitchen and removed whenever a student leaves the kitchen.

  7. If students leave the kitchen space, they must wash their hands upon reentering the lab space.

  8. Nails must be trimmed to finger length and kept clean.

  9. No nail polish of any kind or false nails are permitted.

Jewelry Policy:

  1. No facial jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, watches, or rings may not be worn in any lab.

  2. FOH labs will be allowed modest jewelry or costumes with the instructor's pre-approval to ensure the event's aesthetics.

  3. Medical alert jewelry may be worn in the lab environment with the approval of the instructor. 

Uniform Enforcement Policy: 

  1. All students must wear the NMU-standardized uniform and practice proper personal hygiene and jewelry policy to participate in the lab or event setting. 

  2. For safety and sanitation reasons, students will not be permitted to participate in a lab environment if they do not meet NMU standardized uniform requirements and/or have poor personal hygiene. 

  3. Failure to comply will result in instructor instruction to exit the lab environment and return when the policy requirements are met. 

  4. No additional lab time will be given to students who are asked to leave to correct their uniforms.

  5. Failure to comply will result in lab point deduction. 

  6. Repeated failure to comply could result in expulsion from the course.

  7. The program has the right to update this policy as needed to enforce the health code and ensure consistency among the student body.

Program Links

Hospitality Leadership Faculty & Staff

Loganne Glendening | Associate Professor

Phone: 906-227-1958
Email: lglenden@nmu.edu

Alden MacDonald | Assistant Professor

Phone: 906-227-2601
Email: agriffus@nmu.edu

Contact Information

The Food Service Operations & Hospitality Leadership program is located at Northern Michigan University's Northern Center, Room 2216.

The Technology and Occupational Sciences Department is located at Northern Michigan University's Jacobetti Complex, Office Suite 105.
Phone: 906-227-2190
Email: tos@nmu.edu