
Peer to Peer Mentoring

Alumni to Alumni Mentor Program

As a proud graduate of NMU, you are part of a vibrant community of over 75,000 Wildcats worldwide. The Alumni to Alumni Mentor Program allows you to tap into this invaluable network of fellow alumni who can provide essential support for your professional growth.

The Alumni to Alumni Mentor Program at NMU is designed to foster meaningful connections and professional development opportunities within our alumni network. Leveraging the wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise of our esteemed graduates, this program facilitates mentorship relationships that empower both mentors and mentees to thrive personally and professionally.

If you are interested in getting connected with a fellow NMU graduate to propel your career forward, email us at

Benefits for Mentors

  • Pay It Forward: Mentors have the opportunity to give back to their alma mater by sharing their insights, experiences and lessons learned with fellow graduates.
  • Personal Fulfillment: Serving as a mentor allows alumni to make a tangible impact on the lives and careers of mentees, fostering a sense of satisfaction from helping others succeed.
  • Networking Opportunities: Engaging with mentees facilitates valuable networking connections, enabling mentors to expand their professional circles, forge new partnerships and stay up on industry trends.

Benefits for Mentees

  • Professional Guidance: Mentees receive personalized guidance and advice from seasoned professionals who have navigated similar career paths, accelerating their professional growth and development.
  • Skill Enhancement: Mentoring relationships provide mentees with opportunities to enhance their skills, knowledge and competencies through targeted learning experiences, feedback sessions and skill-building exercises.
  • Networking and Access: Mentees gain access to a network of alumni mentors, opening doors to potential job opportunities, internships and career advancement prospects.

Other Ways to Get Connected


Wildcats Connect

Wildcats Connect!

Need career advice? Looking for industry connections? Moving to a new city? Your fellow alumni are here to help!

We know life after graduation can be intimidating, and that's why we want you to take advantage of your Wildcat community as you enter this next stage! Wildcats Connect is where alumni, students, faculty and staff can strengthen and nurture the Wildcat community by sharing information, asking/offering advice, building relationships, and more.


NMU Career Services

Career Services

Did you know that the resources offered by NMU Career Services are available to alumni as well? Learn more at

Keep in Touch on Social

Follow NMU Alumni on social media for university updates, event information and to read about Wildcat success stories. Use the hashtag #alwaysNMU to keep in touch.