High School Professional Trades
Automotive Technology
For students in grades 11 and 12
Students attend class made up of other Marquette and Alger County high school & homeschool students at NMU’s Jacobetti Complex
Construction Trades
Offered at:
- Gwinn High School
- Ishpeming High School
- Marquette Senior High School
- Negaunee High School
- Superior Central
- Westwood High School
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
For students in grades 11 and 12
Offered at NMU's Northern Center - North Fork Training Kitchen
Drafting/Design Technology (CAD)
Offered at:
- Gwinn High School
- Munising High School
- Negaunee High School
Welding and Brazing/Soldering
Offered at:
- Ishpeming High School
- Negaunee High School
- NMU Jacobetti Complex
- Westwood High School
Middle College
Professional Trades Academy: