Your Scholarship Search Results
Application-required Scholarships
This list includes donor-gifted scholarships, scholarships awarded by competition and other awards that students must apply for or compete for, and are not the types that are automatically awarded. While you may not qualify to apply for all of the scholarships listed below as an incoming student, these are options that you might qualify for at some point during your NMU career based on your major, academic success and/or hometown location. Please do not consider the list exhaustive as some may not show up on in this list simply because of the limited number of questions we asked you. The application period for most of the donor-gifted scholarships begins in mid-December and runs into February. NMU's scholarship competition for high school seniors is usually held in November.
Preferred Status Scholarships
Based on the information you entered, you appear to meet at least one of the preferred status requirements (such as major, class standing or hometown) for the following scholarship(s).
Established in 2000 by the family of Captain William and Caroline (Staples) Holman. Initiated by George '33 and Evelyn Holman.
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Established in 2003 by family and friends of Earl and Miriam Hilton.
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Established in 2001 by a gift from the family of Elsie Treves Mayhew in honor of her 91st birthday. She graduated from NMU in 1929 when going to college was a luxury and a privilege for few young women. She received a teaching and masters degree.
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Established in September 1979 by friends and relatives in memory of Mrs. McCann.
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Established in 2001 by family, friends, and former colleagues in memory of Dr. J. Donovan Jackson.
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Established in 2002 by John and Mary Argeropoulos in honor of John's parents, James and Barbara Argeropoulos, to recognize the health care professionals at the Mather Nursing Center
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Established in 2001 in honor of Richard B. Comley and his 25 years of service as coach of the NMU men's hockey team. In 2017 the name of the fund was amended to include Larry J. Heiskanen '70, known to his friends as Fungo, in honor of his many contributions to NMU Hockey.
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Created in March 1992 in memory of Susan P. Manley, Institutional Research Assistant at Northern Michigan University, by her family. Award is to be used to offset cost of textbooks and/or computer hardware and/or software.
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How to apply
Scholarships that are awarded automatically by the university based on financial need do not require any type of application you apply with your enrollment each year at NMU. For most donor-gifted scholarships, the application period takes place mid-January to mid-February. Click on the link below for more details and for the current application form. If you have additional questions about scholarship funding, contact the NMU Financial Aid Office at, fao, 906-227-2327 or at 2107 C.B. Hedgcock.
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