Got a referral?

We are a free physical activity resource for everyone on NMU's campus. If you were referred to us by a healthcare provider or would simply learn more about how to integrate exercise into your daily life - we're right here for you! Simply fill out the form below to get in touch with us.

We will reach out to you and one of our members will schedule a free consultation visit/call with you to discuss your individual plan.

Contact us here

Exercise is Medicine - On Campus is an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) initiative that promotes physical activity as a vital sign of health. We are partnering with the NMU health center to assess physical activity levels at health visits and establish a referral process to prescribe exercise and successfully integrate movement into NMU's campus community.




Get to know your EIM-OC team at NMU here.


Join NMU EIM-OC on the Hub or email us with any questions you have.

Find us on the Hub.

Reach us here NMUEIMOC@gmail.com