Guidelines for processing the electronic Form I-9 by type of employee:

Faculty and staff new hires will complete their Form I-9 as part of the onboarding process and/or during their Benefits Appointment. This process is currently centralized within Human Resources. Kimberly Hongisto, Benefits and Onboarding Specialist, will be in communication with new faculty and staff to ensure they complete the electronic Form I-9 timely and bring proper documentation.

Please click here to watch a video that overviews the student employee hiring process.

  • The electronic I-9 process begins with the hiring department submitting an EPAF for the student employee. The EPAF has fields that will show if an electronic Form I-9 will need to be completed. (see EPAF examples here)
    • An EPAF for a student employee that has worked within the past year does not need to complete an electronic Form I-9 and will be automatically processed. They will show up in UltraTime system in approximately 30 minutes. 
    • If a student employee has not worked within the past year, they need to complete an electronic Form I-9, the EPAF will trigger an email to be sent to the employee with a link for them to complete Section 1 of the Form I-9.
    • The Time Sheet Organization Number on the EPAF will determine the Location in LawLogix
  • Section 1 of the Form I-9 must be completed by the student employee on or before their first day of employment. This can be completed on a computer or mobile device. Ask the student employee to bring their laptop for easy completion of Section 1 on the first day of work.
  • The hiring department is responsible for completing Section 2 of the Form I-9 by viewing the student’s original documents proving identity and eligibility to work (see acceptable documents here). Section 2 must be completed no later than the third business day after the student’s date of hire.
    • The student employee must be present when the identifications are reviewed.
    • Documents presented must be originals (copies or photographs are not acceptable)
    • Documents must not be expired
    • Once viewed they should be returned to the employee
    • Hiring departments are NOT to make and/or keep copies of identification documents or the Form I-9
  • Once Section 2 is completed, the I-9 must be marked Completed and Approved to feed information back to the EPAF.
  • The EPAF will be automatically approved and processed with data fed to UltraTime within 30 minutes.

 I9RQST is a special EPAF Approval Category, to feed the necessary data to LawLogix for the Form I-9 process to begin. This EPAF is ONLY for the I-9 process. Unlike hiring student employees, this does not directly feed data to UltraTime.  New hire forms W-4 and direct deposit are completed on paper or Abode fillable forms.

  • The electronic I-9 process begins with the hiring department submitting an EPAF Approval Category of I9RQST for the temporary, adjunct or graduate assistant employee.
  • There are new fields to indicate if an I-9 is already on file. Please do not submit the EPAF if the I9 Form Indicator field shows Received in the Current Value column.
  • The Employee Class Code should be entered as:
    • CL for Casual Labor
    • TL for Temporary Labor
    • XX for Adjunct
    • JX for Jacobetti Center Adjunct
    • JH for Paraprofessional
  • The Home Organization entered will determine the Location assigned in LawLogix.
  • Once submitted, an email will be sent to the employee’s NMU or Home e-mail address on file in Banner. Please provide a home e-mail address to HR in advance if the employee does not have an existing NMU e-mail address.
  • Section 1 of the Form I-9 must be completed by the temporary/adjunct employee on or before their first day of employment. This can be completed on a computer or mobile device.
  • The hiring department is responsible for completing Section 2 of the Form I-9 by viewing the employee’s original documents proving identity and eligibility to work (see acceptable documents here). Section 2 must be completed no later than the third business day after the date of hire.
    • The employee must be present when the identifications are reviewed.
    • Documents presented must be originals (copies or photographs are not acceptable).
    • Documents must not be expired.
    • Once viewed they should be returned to the employee.
    • Hiring departments are NOT to make and/or keep copies of identification documents or the Form I-9.
  • Once Section 2 is completed, the I-9 must be marked Completed and Approved to feed information back to the EPAF and to Banner.

Graduate Assistants will receive a link to complete their Form I-9 as part of the payroll process. The hiring department will see the graduate assistant on thier Law Logix dashboard once the contract has been processed.

Section 1 of the Form I-9 must be completed by the graduate assistant on or before their first day of employment. This can be completed on a computer or mobile device.

  • The hiring department is responsible for completing Section 2 of the Form I-9 by viewing the employee’s original documents proving identity and eligibility to work (see acceptable documents here). Section 2 must be completed no later than the third business day after the date of hire.
    • The employee must be present when the identifications are reviewed.
    • Documents presented must be originals (copies or photographs are not acceptable).
    • Documents must not be expired.
    • Once viewed they should be returned to the employee.
    • Hiring departments are NOT to make and/or keep copies of identification documents or the Form I-9.
  • Once Section 2 is completed, the I-9 must be marked Completed and Approved to feed information back to the EPAF and to Banner.
  • A mobile device must be held horizontally to see the button for electronic signature.
  • An I-9 cannot be marked Complete/Approved if the employee uses a receipt as one of their documents.
    • Call HR to approve and process the EPAF manually.
    • When the employee brings in their document(s) you will verify in LawLogix and then mark Complete/Approved to finalize the I-9.
  • An employee who has not worked in the U.S. before and does not have an SSN
    • An EPAF cannot be submitted if the employee does not have an SSN in Banner.
    • Call HR to create a temporary SSN for that field.
  • Call HR if you are hiring a remote employee as there is a special process for remote completion of Form I-9.