Crime prevention is a top priority of the department. Together with other campus offices, the department provides programs to enhance personal safety, teach proactive crime-reduction strategies, and help community members develop self esteem which contributes to a healthy living environment.
The university’s crime prevention program relies on the foundation of a layered approach by being proactive in the area of patrolling campus, crime prevention education and training, building and area security surveys. This type of approach relies on the team approach of eliminating or minimizing criminal opportunities, whenever possible, and encouraging community members to take responsibility of their own and others safety.
Members of this department are available to assist any individual or group in planning, presenting and coordinating programs of interest or concerns.
Rape Aggression Defense
Rape Aggression Defense is a program of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. The RAD System is a comprehensive course for a woman that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defense training. RAD is not a martial arts program. Our courses are taught by certified RAD Instructors and provide you with a workbook/reference manual. This manual outlines the entire Physical Defense Program for reference and continuous personal growth. The RAD System of Physical Defense is currently being taught. The growing, wide spread acceptance of this system is primarily due to the ease, simplicity and effectiveness of our tactics, solid research, legal defensibility and unique teaching methodology. The Rape Aggression Defense System is dedicated to teaching women defensive concepts and techniques against various types of assault, by utilizing easy, effective and proven self-defense/martial arts tactics. Our system of realistic defense will provide a woman with the knowledge to make an educated decision about resistance.
We operate on the premise that a spontaneous violent attack will stimulate a natural desire to resist, on the part of the victim (supported by research). We educate women about "The Flight or Fight Syndrome", while showing them that enhancing their option of physical defense is not only prudent, but a necessity if natural resistance is to be effective.
Safety and survival in today's world requires a definite course of action. We provide effective options by teaching women to take an active role in their own self-defense and psychological well being.
Operation Identification Program
Operation Identification is a program that is a system for marking personal property. The participant marking property uses an engraver, a diamond pen, or a tungsten-carbide marking pen. Students’ then engrave their driver’s license on the item and keep a permanent record of their property. Operation Identification has been proven to reduce thefts in communities where the program has been implemented. The reason is people are reluctant to steal things, which are marked because it increases the risk of getting caught, further making items hard to fence or sell. In addition, items identified can be put into the law enforcement information system (LEIN) and can be returned to the owner if found. Students can request an operation identification program in their residence hall by calling the Crime Prevention office at 2154 or Public Safety at 2151. Some items students might want to record are radios, stereos, televisions, computers, appliances, bikes, and cameras to mention a few.