If you are the victim of a sexual assault, it is vital that you understand that if you report the assault to Northern Michigan University, you and the matter you report will be treated with the greatest confidentiality, concern and seriousness, regardless of your gender or the gender of the suspect.


Your name will not be released to the public or to the media. You will be treated with dignity, courtesy, sensitivity and understanding, and you will not be prejudged or blamed for what occurred.

Additionally, you will be advised of, and if you desire, assisted in receiving services from Northern Michigan departments and from community service agencies that provide assistance to victims of sexual assault. University staff will neither coerce you to report a sexual assault as a lesser offense nor prevent or discourage you from reporting a sexual assault to another person or authority.

You will have the opportunity to pursue all legal and/or disciplinary remedies and obtain counseling services without academic penalty by NMU (to be accommodated as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Students Office on an ad-hoc basis). If you request, NMU staff will take any reasonable steps to prevent unnecessary or unwanted contact or proximity with the suspect.

If you file a complaint with NMU Police Department, staff from that office will investigate your complaint. You will be notified of victim's rights and remedies accorded in the Crime Victim's Rights Act, and you will be updated on the status of the investigation.

If the NMU Health Center provides medical assistance, appropriate methods for preserving evidence of criminal sexual assault will be followed. You will be made aware of, and assisted in exercising, any options provided under law regarding the mandatory testing of sexual assault suspects for communicable diseases and notification to the victim of the results of the testing.

Northern Michigan University is committed to ensuring that the rights of an individual who is the victim of an act of violence, sexual assault and/or non-forcible sex offenses are protected.

Read the full Relationship Violence, Sexual Misconduct, and Stalking Policy and Procedure to learn more about sexual assault victim’s rights.

NMU Police Department 100 Services Building 2073 Sugarloaf Av. Marquette, MI. (906) 2272151

Emergencies - Central Dispatch 911