Sudden Death Policy


To respond appropriately to the sudden death of an employee, temporary employee or student of Northern Michigan University.


All University employees, temporary employees, students and visitors.


If the death occurs on property owned or under the control of Northern Michigan University the Chief of Police, NMU Police Department is responsible for initiating an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death, safeguarding and securing the scene, coordinating with appropriate medical and forensic services, and initiating appropriate notifications.

If the death occurs off campus, the Chief of Police or designee is responsible for gathering all pertinent information surrounding the incident and initiating appropriate notifications.

Any work-related death of an NMU employee must be reported to the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) within 8 hours of the incident to 1-800-858-0397.

Date Approved:1-4-2000
Last Revision:9-12-2017
Last Reviewed:1-2-2025
Approved By:President