Add Procedure

Through Thursday of the first week of the semester, students may add courses provided that seats are still available. Adding courses which are full requires the approval of the instructor teaching the course. If approved, the instructor will enter permission to override the course capacity on My.NMU and the student may then add the course via My.NMU.  

Drop Procedure

Students may drop courses in accordance with the schedule below. Students desiring to drop a course should contact the Student Service Center, C.B. Hedgcock, Room 2201, 906-227-1221, for processing. No instructor signatures are required. All deadlines occur at 5 p.m. on the date shown in the table below. Students desiring to drop ALL classes must contact the Dean of Students Office , C.B. Hedgcock, Room 2001, 906-227-1700. See Withdrawal Procedure Deadlines and Refunds.

Winter Semester 2025 Add/Drop Deadlines

(Deadlines for withdrawing from all courses - Click here.)

Type of CourseLast Day to Add
a Class
Last Day to Drop
for a 100% Refund
and No Grade
Last Day to Drop
a Course with
a “W” Grade
Full SemesterThurs., Jan. 16 by 5 pm*Tues., Jan. 22** by 5 pmFri., April 25 by 5 pm
First BlockTues., Jan. 14 by 5 pm*Fri., Jan. 17 by 5 pmFri., Feb. 21 by 5 pm
Second BlockTues., March 11 by 5 pm*Fri., March 14 by 5 pmFri., April 25 by 5 pm

Note: To receive a refund for courses that meet for less than six weeks, the student must drop on or before the last business day prior to the first day of the course. Business hours during the fall and winter semesters are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For weekend, extension, and courses scheduled to meet during non-conforming dates, please contact the Student Service Center, C.B. Hedgcock, Room 2201, 906-227-1221, for drop, refund and withdrawal deadlines.

No refunds are given for reduced credit hours within the 12-16 credit hour flat rate tuition range.

*Instructor signature required to add a course after these dates.

**Originally 1/21 but updated to 1/21 due to school closure.


Withdrawal from All Courses: Withdrawing from all courses.

Dropping a Course to Reduce Course Load: Reducing enrollment course load by dropping a course(s) but remaining in at least one other course.

"W" Grade: A grade of "W" (Withdrawal) is placed on the NMU transcript when a student officially withdraws from a course. Courses graded with a "W" are included in attempted hours but not included in the computation of the NMU GPA.