Procedure for Research/Practicum Forms
- The Faculty Director/Supervisor completes the "Research/Practicum Compensation Application Form" (Word) and secures appropriate signatures. The Faculty Director/Supervisor must check payment preference on the form.
- The Faculty Director/Supervisor submits the "Research/Practicum Compensation Application Form" to the department.
- The student completes the "Registration for Research/Practicum Credits Form." (This form completes the actual registration process.)
- The department office forwards the "Registration for Research/Practicum Credits Form" separately to the College Dean and the Graduate Studies Office for signature. When the "Registration for Research/Practicum Credits Form" is signed, the Graduate Studies Office forwards the form to the Registrar's Office.
- The department office distributes copies of the "Research/Practicum Compensation Application Form" upon completion of the form.
- The department office then sends the completed "Research/Practicum Compensation Application Form" to the Office of Academic Affairs and Student Success, and then utilizes the Employment Processing System to process payment for the Director/Supervisor. The "comments" section will state the name of the project, the number of credits, and the compensation method (paid, banked, or on-load). NO STUDENT INFORMATION WILL BE INCLUDED ON THE EPS FORM.
- The department office will retain the original "Research/Practicum Compensation Application Form." Finalized copies of the EPS forms will be attached to the "Research/Practicum Compensation Application Form" for record keeping purposes within the Department.