New Faculty
New faculty orientation session covers essential information.
Date: August 19-20, 2024
Location: Northern Center
Helpful Information
New faculty will find useful information throughout this academic affairs website, particularly the following pages...
New faculty are often assigned a seasoned faculty member as mentor for their first year.
For more information, contact Bree Butler,, 610 Cohodas Hall, 906-227-2920
News Sources from Multiple Perspectives

Adjunct Faculty
Helpful Information
Adjunct faculty, those hired on a semester basis to teach less than full time, have a group meeting with the associate provost of Academic Affairs once each semester.
Adjunct faculty can be aided by much of the content within the academic affairs wbesite, in particular the following pages:
Adjuncts should read their respective faculty contracts to be familiar with instructional responsibilities (AAUP- Article 6; NMUFA - Article 12).
Variances from Full Time Faculty
There are some variations in benefits and support from full time faculty. Those variances are described within this page.
- Adjunct faculty benefits - defined by Human Resources
- Notebook computers for adjuncts - policy of Academic Computing Services
- NMU ID - Every user at NMU receives a unique NMU ID and password that allows access to the Internet and campus network. Adjunct faculty IDs expire at the end of each semester unless the department head notifies the director of Academic Computing Services that the adjunct faculty member will be teaching the upcoming semester.
Contact Information for Adjuncts
- An important point of contact is the departmental secretary.
- Associate Provost of Academic Affairs 610 Cohodas Hall, (906) 227-2920
- AAUP Committee O (Outreach) - AAUP Office 409 Cohodas Hall (906) 227-1602