Student Trips to Off-Campus Locations Report Form


Form Submission Requirements

Northern Michigan University faculty and staff are required to complete the Student Trips to Off-Campus Locations Report Form below whenever they lead any university related overnight or day travel that includes students such as academics and clubs/organizations, etc.

Submit this form 30 days prior to your travel. Please provide complete information. Upon returning from the event, a follow-up email will be sent to you to provide missing information such as individual room numbers. If you have questions, contact Deputy Chief Kenneth D. Love, Clery Compliance Officer, at 906-227-2150 or

An additional portion of the form below may be required in order for the university to comply with the federal Clery Act if:

  • NMU has control over the trip or program accommodation and any related academic space used in conjunction with the trip. Control, as defined by the Clery Act, means there is a written agreement (no matter how informal, including an email agreement) directly between the University and the end provider for use of the space even if it there is no charge to utilize the space.
  • In addition, the controlled space is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes and frequented by students.

    Some examples of a written agreement include, but are not limited to, renting hotel rooms, leasing apartments, leasing space in a student housing facility or academic space on another campus even if there is an e-mail agreement for use of space free of charge. Hostels are not normally reportable unless the written agreement gives the University control over the space within the accommodation.
  • This does not include field trips or accommodations with no control or usage agreement.

Information on qualifying student trips is needed by NMU PD for follow-up with the local law enforcement agency associated with the trip location. NMU PD is required to request crime statistics from the local law enforcement agency to determine if any Clery Act qualifying crimes occurred at these locations during the time frame NMU controlled the space.

Clery Act qualifying (reportable) crimes which occur in student trip utilized accommodation and/or academic space, and common areas of location(s) used to access said space, must be reported in a timely basis using the online NMU CSA Report. For additional information on Clery Act qualifying crimes, visit the Clery Crime Definitions on the NMU PD website. In the case of an emergency, dial 911.

Northern Michigan University Student Trips to Off-Campus Locations: Clery Annual Security Report Form

Please complete and submit a separate form for each trip 30 days prior to the trip.

Lodging Address:
If room numbers are not known when submitting this form, leave blank and you will be emailed a reminder to provide them 14 days after the entered check out date.
Name and address of the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction over the lodging:
Is this a "Short-stay away trip" as defined in the Clery Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting?

(Source: The Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting - 2016 Edition)

Short-stay “away” trips:
If your institution sponsors short-stay “away” trips of more than one night for its students, all locations used by students during the trip, controlled by the institution during the trip and used to support educational purposes should be treated as non-campus property. An example is a three-week marine biology study trip to Florida. Any classroom or housing space specified in the agreement between the institution and a third-party providing the space would be non-campus property. If your institution has entered into a written agreement with a third-party contractor to arrange housing and/or classroom space for a school-sponsored trip or study program (either domestic or foreign), it is assumed that the contractor is operating on behalf of the school as the school’s agent, putting the institution in control of this space.

However, if your institution (or a contracted third party) does not have an agreement for the space used, your institution is not in control of the space and you are not required to count it. For example, there are some situations, such as sports tournaments, for which the host institution makes all of the housing arrangements for visiting students. In these situations, the visiting institutions do not have a written agreement for the use of space and are not required to disclose crime statistics for the housing in which their students are located.

(if different from and in addition to already provided above)
(if different from and in addition to already provided above)
(if different from and in addition to already provided above)
(if different from and in addition to already provided above)