Cumulative GPA requirement:  minimum of 2.75 is necessary to apply.
Must be admitted to the College of Business (except associate degree CIS majors).
MBA students are required to have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 to apply.

Application for Internship Program

You should have completed several courses in your major
What academic area are you seeking an internship or work experience?
I certify that I personally have completed this application and the information I am providing is complete and accurate. Please type your initals below.

Information message

Additional Required Information

  1. Unofficial NMU transcripts
  2. Resume
  3. Employer letter indicating job duties, rate of compensation, and contact information

Additional information may be submitted via email/pdf to the following individual:

  • For internships in Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems, contact Carol Johnson, or 906-227-1239
  • For internships in Public Relations, Management, Marketing, and Entrepreneurship, contact Thomas Isaacson, or 906-227-1655.

The application may also be dropped off directly to the College of Business main office in 301 Cohodas Hall.

If mailed, use this address:

Ms. Carol Johnson (or Dr. Thomas Isaacson)
College of Business
1401 Presque Isle Avenue
Marquette, MI  49855