Updated Date:



NOTE: The crime log classification will not normally match the crime statistics, as the crime log is compiled using the State of Michigan Crimes Code and the crime statistics are required by law to be compiled using the Federal Uniform Crime Reporting Summary Reporting System (SRS) definitions and standards and of National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) definitions as required by the Clery Act.

Incidents are reviewed daily and a determination is made on the correct Clery classification for crime statistic reporting.

Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action

Drug Abuse Violations - The violation of laws prohibiting the production, distribution and/or use of certain controlled substances and the equipment or devices utilized in their preparation and/or use. The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation or importation of any controlled drug or narcotic substance.

Liquor Law Violations - The violation of state or local laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession or use of alcoholic beverages, not including driving under the influence and drunkenness.

Weapons Law Violations - The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, concealment, or use of firearms, cutting instruments, explosives, incendiary devices or other deadly weapons. This classification encompasses weapons offenses that are regulatory in nature.

Criminal Offenses (Clery)

Aggravated Assault - An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm.

Arson - Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, etc.

Burglary - The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft. For reporting purposes this definition includes: unlawful entry with intent to commit a larceny or felony; breaking and entering with intent to commit a larceny; housebreaking; safecracking; and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.

Criminal Homicide -

  • Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter: The willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another.
  • Manslaughter by Negligence: The killing of another person through gross negligence.

Motor Vehicle Theft - The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle, including joyriding or other unauthorized use.

Robbery - The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.

Sexual Assault -

  • Fondling: The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without the consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent due to his or her age or because of his or her temporary or permanent mental incapacity.
  • Incest: Non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.
  • Rape: Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim
  • Statutory Rape: Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.

Hate Crimes

Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property - Willfully or maliciously destroy, deface, or otherwise damage public or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it.

Intimidation - To unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words and/or other conduct, but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.

Larceny-Theft - The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another.

Simple Assault - An unlawful physical attack that do not use the use a weapon and the victim did not sustain severe or aggravated injury.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Offenses

Dating Violence - Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim.

Domestic Violence - Felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed.

  • This can be by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim,
  • by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common,
  • by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner,
  • by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction receiving grant monies, or
  • by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction

Stalking - A course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress.

Other definitions found on the Crime Log:

  • OWI - Operating While Impaired
  • OUID - Operating Under Influence of Drugs
  • MDOP - Malicious Destruction of Property
  • MIP - Minor in Possession
  • UDAA - Unlawful Driving Away of a Automobile
  • CSC - Criminal Sexual Conduct (Covers 1st thru 4th degree)
  • VCSA- Violation of Controlled Substance Act
  • *Clery Required Reporting* not directly reported to police/anonymous/or victim does not wish to pursue action


  • Open - Under/pending investigation
  • Closed - Resolved without referral/arrest
  • Unfounded - Investigated and determined it did not occur or was baseless
  • Referral - Sent to appropriate conduct office
  • Arrest - Citation or physical custody (Civil infractions are not considered arrest under Clery and are carried as referrals)


1163-244/01/20241315 hoursNMU PDHarassing Communications4/01/20241315 hoursClosed
1191-244/02/20240906 hoursMaple East NMU CampusAggravated Assault/Dating Violence4/02/20240906 hoursClosed x2
1195-244/02/20241748 hoursCohodas Building/NMU CampusHarassing Communications4/02/20241748 hoursClosed
1197-244/03/20240006 hoursLot #36/NMU CampusLarceny of University Property/Minor in Possession of Alcohol4/03/20240006 hoursOpen/ 3 referrals for Alcohol
1201-244/01/20241527 hoursMeyland HallDating Violence/*Clery Required Reporting* not directly reported to police/anonymous/or victim does not wish to pursue action3/31/20240000 hoursClosed



5/15/2023N/aHawley St. near Jacobetti ComplexDrug Law Violation/Reported for Clery purposes only/Public Property Reportable 2023 Clery Statistics5/15/2023N/aArrest
1203-244/03/20242327 hoursMagers Hall/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Marijuana4/03/200242320 - 2326 hoursReferral
1217-244/04/20240900 hoursMaple East/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Alcohol4/04/20240900 hoursReferral
1243-244/05/20241931hoursSpooner Hall/NMU CampusAttempted Online Extortion4/05/20241840 hoursOpen
1263-244/06/20242355 hoursMeyland Hall/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Alcohol4/06/20242355 hoursReferral
1264-244/07/20240230 hoursLot #46/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Marijuana 4/07/20240230 hoursReferral
24030594/08/20240154 hoursPresque Isle/Waldo StOWI/ MPD Arrest4/08/20240154 hoursArrest
1305-244/08/20240945 hoursMagers Hall/NMU CamusStalking/*Clery Required Reporting* not directly reported to police/anonymous/or victim does not wish to pursue action4/07/20241832 hoursClosed
1312-244/10/20241659 hoursHunt/Van Antwerp Lobby/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Marijuana4/10/20241650-1659 hoursReferral
1358-244/14/20242220 hoursLot#46/NMU CampusSimple Assault4/14/20240036 - 0122 hoursClosed
1371-244/14/20240905 hoursMagers Hall/NMU CampusHarassing Communication4/01/2024-4/13/20241729 hours-1151 hoursClosed
1378-244/14/20242350 hoursLot #24/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Marijuana4/14/20242350 hoursReferral x2
1395-244/16/20240940 hoursLincoln St Apt Mail room/NMU CampusLarceny of Personal Property4/12/20240924 hoursOpen
1408-244/16/20241549 hoursLincoln St Apt/NMU CampusAggravated Assault10/8/2021-2/20/2023NaClosed
1409-244/16/20241952 hoursBirch West/NMU CampusHarassing Communication4/16/20241952 hoursClosed
Conduct #000007094/13/20240100 hoursSpooner Hall/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Alcohol4/13/20240100 hoursReferral x 7
1438-244/19/20240918 hoursNMU PDFraudulent Use of a Handicapped Permit4/19/20230918 hoursOpen
1456-244/20/20241209 hoursThe Woods/NMU CampusPossession of a Fraudulent ID4/20/20241209 hoursOpen
1461-244/21/20240154 hoursMager Hall/NMU CampusMarijuana Use under 214/21/20240154 hoursReferral
1467-244/21/20241520 hoursThe Woods/NMU CampusAccidental Fire in a dryer4/21/20241520 hoursClosed
1469-234/21/20241800 hours137 Hunt Hall/NMU CampusHarassing Communication/Dating Violence9/2023-4/20/2024N/AClosed
1484-244/22/20242143 hoursLot #29/NMU CampusMalicious Destruction of a Motor Vehicle/Larceny from a Motor Vehicle4/22/20240940-0943Closed
24034654/19/20242245 hoursPresque Isle/Waldo StOWI/ MPD Arrest4/19/20242245 hoursArrest
24036044/24/20240742 hours1407 Norwaydomestic Violence/MPD Report4/24/20240742 hoursOpen
1539-244/26/20240930 hoursMaple EastChild Sexual Abusive Material/MSP Report4/26/20240930 hoursArrest
1535-244/26/20240209 hoursVan Antwerp Hall/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Alcohol4/26/20240209 hoursReferral x 4
1562-244/27/20242221 hoursHunt Hall/NMU CampusMinor in Possession of Marijuana4/27/20242221 hoursReferral