Forrest Toegel

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., West Virginia University

WSTN 1119

Office Hours: M 10-11, W 12-1 and by appointment

Dr. Forrest Toegel earned his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 2014, his M.S. and Ph.D. from West Virginia University from 2014 to 2018, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine from 2019 until 2022. Dr. Toegel is an Assistant Professor of Psychological Science at Northern Michigan University. He teaches courses on topics related to research methods, radical behaviorism, applied behavior analysis, and the experimental analysis of behavior. His research focuses on understanding and addressing behavior that is often characterized as “problematic” such as drug addiction, relapse, and failures in self-control.  When not in the lab, Forrest can be found hiking with his wife, Cory, daughter, Hallie, and his dog, Teddy, and playing the guitar.

To learn more about research in the Toegel Lab, visit the lab website.

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