Graduate Assistantships
The Department of Psychological Science offers graduate teaching assistantships for a limited number of students each year. Students awarded assistantships typically teach lab sections for 100 and 200 level undergraduate psychology courses, such as Introduction to Psychology. In addition to gaining valuable teaching experience, graduate assistants receive a tuition waiver and a stipend. Preference will be given to applications received prior to February 1st.
Graduate teaching assistantship positions are granted for one year with a second year generally awarded to graduate assistants who satisfied the conditions of the assistantship, maintained at least a 3.0 GPA for each semester of the assistantship, and provided quality instruction. Please review the general requirements and responsibilities in the Graduate Assistant Handbook.
All 1st year students admitted into the Master's Program in Psychological Science will be considered for a graduate teaching assistantship. 2nd year students are also eligible to apply.
Students must be admitted to the program and specify in their cover letter the following:
- A brief description of previous academic and relevant professional experience
- A description of future academic and/or career goals that a Master's Degree in Psychological Science will contribute to
- A ranking of your preferred laboratory sections to teach (see listing below). We cannot guarantee that you will be assigned to your preferred laboratory sections, but your preferences will be helpful as we make our scheduling assignments.
- Possible courses include: Intro to Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Advanced Physiological Psychology, Learning, Social Psychology, Psychological Statistics, and others.
In addition to graduate assistantships within the Department of Psychological Science, NMU also offers graduate assistantships in other university offices. To apply for a graduate assistantship outside the department, students should complete the online application by clicking here. Note that this application is separate from your application to the MS program.