Aerial shot of fall leaves and a river
Katie portrait

"I came to NMU for its very unique M.S. in Psychological Science program. This program is one of a kind and provides students with the necessary assets and experiences to pursue Ph.D.’s in highly competitive areas. The research and mentoring received under this program are unmatched. Although I came here for school, the scenery Marquette proves is a huge plus."

Katie Elwell

Masters of Psychology Alumna


The Master of Science (MS) Degree in Psychology provides advanced education in psychology and prepares students for doctoral programs in experimental psychology, clinical psychology or closely related fields such as neuroscience, cognitive science, and behavior analysis. The program also provides opportunities for clinical training in the field of applied behavior analysis in the Behavior Education Assessment and Research Center. This program provides:

  • research experience in a variety of areas of psychology
  • statistical and methodological training required to examine basic or applied topics in psychological science
  • coverage of advanced theory across subdisciplines of psychology

In addition to coursework, students complete a capstone project, consisting of either a comprehensive written work on a topic in psychology or a fully designed and implemented experimental master's thesis. 

Research Presentation

Applying to the Program

To apply, visit the Graduate College applications page!

Applications for the program are due February 1st. Applications submitted after this day may be considered on a rolling basis depending on program capacity. Students are only admitted for the fall term. If you are interested in working with specific faculty/labs, you should indicate your preferences on the personal statement. For additional information, review the admission and program requirements.


Graduate Teaching Assistantships

The Department of Psychological Science offers graduate teaching assistantships for a limited number of students each year. Students awarded assistantships typically teach lab sections for 100 and 200 level undergraduate psychology courses, such as PSY100 Introduction to Psychological Science. In addition to gaining valuable teaching experience, graduate assistants receive a full tuition waiver and a stipend.

New applications for the MS Program received prior to February 1st will be reviewed and given consideration for these graduate assistantships. Students must pursue a thesis in order to be eligible for graduate teaching assistantships and state this intention in their personal statements.

Faculty Research Interests

Faculty research interests in the Department of Psychological Science vary considerably. Faculty interests include the study of brain, cognitive, social, affective, and clinical processes in both human participants as well as animal subjects. More specific information on faculty interests can be found on the faculty bio pages by clicking here.

Prospective students interested in conducting an experimental master's thesis (one of the capstone options) are strongly encouraged to review areas of specialization and research interests of the department faculty. Students with research interests closely aligned with those of faculty members will benefit the most from shared interests.

Facilities & Equipment

Faculty members in the Department of Psychological Science have research labs with equipment for conducting research in their area of specialization. The department also contains several shared research facilities and has access to additional facilities and equipment outside the department. In addition, the department supports training and clinical services in applied behavior analysis in the Behavior Education Assessment and Research Center.

Examples of equipment include:

  • Individual testing rooms for human research
  • Maze and operant equipment for laboratory rats and mice
  • Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) neuroimaging
  • 64 channel electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • Optogenetic Imaging Equipment
  • Eye tracking equipment
  • Equipment for psychophysiological measures such as SCR, ECG, EMG, and respiration
  • Driving simulator

For students currently in the MS Psychology program, visit this page for forms, capstone completion process, the graduate program handbook, and other helpful information.

Contact Information | 906-227-2935

Weston Hall, Room 1001

If you have college credit and want to find out what will transfer to NMU, please visit

Certification and Licensing

Students pursuing the MS Psychology degree may pursue coursework and training experiences for certification as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Additionally, most U.S. States require a license to practice as an Applied Behavior Analyst. The information below provides detailed information on these licensing requirements. Coursework may be offered that fulfill part of the requirements for either a Master’s Limited Psychologist License in the State of Michigan, but students are not being accepted to the program sequence at this time (updated on 1/24/25).

Master’s Limited Psychologist License (Michigan Only) Updated 2/23/24 (not currently accepted students to this sequence)

The State of Michigan, through the Bureau of Professional Licensing, provides a Master’s Limited Psychologist License for applicants who meet the following: 1) Professional Education Requirements, 2) proof of supervised practicum hours during master’s program, 3) 2,000 hours supervised clinical hours post-master’s degree, 4) passing grade on the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology, 5) passing a Criminal Background Check, 6) passing Good Moral Character Questions, 7) receiving Human Trafficking training, and 8) paying the licensing fee of $204. Additionally, there is a Master’s Limited Psychologist-Temporary License valid for two years with a $104.60 fee, which requires meeting the educational and supervised practicum requirements noted earlier, along with passing a criminal background check, passing the Good Moral Questions questionnaire, and receiving Human Trafficking training. 

The Professional Education Requirements consist of 1) a Master’s in Psychology, 2) 75% of coursework, excluding thesis and practicum, must be primarily psychological in content, 3) a course in assessment, 4) as a course in treatment, 5) a course in scientific and professional ethics and standards, 5) university credit for practicum, involving 500 hours of psychological work supervised by a licensed psychologist.

Licensing for Applied Behavior Analysts. Updated 2/23/24.

In U.S. states (including districts and territories) that have licensing for behavior analysts, a BCBA is required. The NMU degree meets this educational requirement. States that currently require licensure for behavior analysts are listed below (2/23/24). Licensing fees will vary across states. In Michigan, the total fee (license fee for 4 years + application fee) for a BCBA is $452.40 for 2024.

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota

More information on state licensure requirements, including links to state licensing information, can be found here.