
Picture of two doors

Get Paid to Explore Your Brain: Participate in Reward Processing Research! #HS-24-0068

You are invited to participate in our research study. The
purpose of this study is to better understand brain activity before and after reward attainment. This study will utilize an EEG cap to investigate the relevance of visual tasks, and will be conducted by undergraduate and graduate research assistants.

*If you have participated in a related study in the Cabin Lab in past semesters, you are eligible to participate in this study.

To be eligible for participation, you must be 

  • 18+
  • CABIN Lab Weston Hall 1205
  • Earn up to $20!
  • Approximately 1.5 hours
  • Must have normal (or corrected to normal) vision
  • To sign up scan the QR code or email

QR code for signing up this study




Pop some balloons and earn some points: How personality and cognition collide #HS-23-27

Every day, we take risks. We are interested in what influences our decision-making to better understand
how we approach risks. You are invited to participate in a study, being conducted under the direction of
Dr. Lin Fang at NMU, investigating the relationship between personality
characteristics, decision making, and information processing. The investigation includes five
questionnaires and two behavioral tasks, all completed on a computer. Participation is expected to last
up to one hour. The risks associated with this study are expected to be minimal and participants can get extra credit after participating in the study.

To be eligible for participation, you must be 

  • 18 years old or older
  • have normal or corrected-to-normal
  • not have a diagnosis of a psychiatric/mental health condition

Attention bias and personality study qr code


Visual Speed Challenge

Visual Speed Challenge

  • How fast are you? The purpose of this research is to find out how quickly people can
    process visual information. The study will include a 30-minute in-person lab
  • Location: Weston 1207C
  • The lab appointment will take around 30 minutes.
  • Earn extra credit for Psychology Department courses
  • Contact researcher Abby Kerr/ with questions
  • Click this link to sign up for a time


Social Media Image

HS23-1369: Social Media Study

You are invited to take part in a research study examining the relationship between social media content, stress, and emotion. This study is being conducted by Tyree O'Neil, a graduate student in the Health and Human Performance Program, and Dr. Vince Jeevar.

  • Participants will be asked to complete a self-report survey on stress and emotion on a scale of 0-5.
  • Participants will then take part in an experiment on a social media platform for 14 days and will be expected to post at least once every two days for the duration of the study.
  • Participants will have the ability to interact with each other and will be asked to contribute content of their choosing*, just as they would on other social media sites.
  • The estimated time to complete the first set of survey questions is approximately 5-10 minutes.
  • Participation on the social media platform will take 14 days, with intermittent activity required.
  • The final survey questions will take approximately 10-15 minutes.
  • Participants may answer or decline to answer any questions without pressure or coercion.

*Sharing content with violence, sexual activity, drugs use or other graphic content will result in removal from the study.

  • Earn extra credit!
  • Must be an NMU student 18 years of age or older
  • Must have access to the internet
  • Scan the QR code or click the link to participate.
QR Code



Computer Simulation Image

HS22-1350 Evaluating Human Operant Performance Methodology on the Study of Avoidance

The purpose of this study is to evaluate behavioral performance, persistence, and avoidance in computer simulations. You will complete game-like computer tasks in a laboratory while earning and losing points. We are interested in evaluating the role of multiple session experiences, such as your ability to defend your earned rewards, which style of gaming response options and other activities are available, how points are gained or lost, and how responsive the game environment is while playing.

Participants will complete game-like computer tasks in a laboratory. All participants will receive extra credit in participating courses. Participants may have the opportunity to return for additional sessions.

  • Be able to attend in-person meetings on NMU campus
  • Receive extra credit and potential monetary compensation
  • Sessions lasting max 2 hours in NMU laboratory
  • Must be 18+ years old
  • To sign up:
    • Click the link or scan the QR code to sign up automatically using calendar
    • Contact Haillie McDonough ( or Dr. Cory Toegel (email:



HS21-1164 Masculinity Study

You are invited to take part in our research study! This study intends to measure if people act differently in the future after considering 1) the way they see themselves, 2) the way others see them, and 3) what is culturally normal or average regarding masculinity. This study will include 2 parts for the participant: a pre-survey and a lab-meeting with a post-survey. This study also requires a close friend who will act as an informant by answering questions regarding their perception of the participant. 

The estimated time to complete the first set of survey​ questions is roughly 30-40 minutes. The appointment​ at the lab will only take 15-20 minutes, but​ it cannot happen until both you and your informant have completed the survey questions.  


  • Earn your choice of $20.00 or one-hour worth of extra credit!
  • Must identify as male
  • Must be 18 years of age or older

Must have an informant who is:

  • 18 years of age or older
  • Close friend
  • Non-significant other
  • You must gain permission from the informant before you sign up.

To sign up, scan the QR Code or select the Sign Up button below

QR Code for signing up the study about masculinity

HS22-1330 Genetic Alterations Associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

If you are interested in participating, please contact:

And we will schedule a time for the assessment.

Extra Credit!

  • Extra Credit for PSY100, PSY210, PSY240 and PSY250 (10 points)
  • Other classes by your professor's approval


Gambling Lab

Evaluation of Electronic Gambling Machine Play

IRB number: HS-21-8

You are invited to participate in a
research study on gambling
behavior. In this study you will be
asked to play an electronic
gambling game for
approximately 1 hour.

Location: Weston 1117

Earn Extra Credit in
Psychology Dept. Course.

Duration of the study: 1 hour

Ways to sign up: Please use
the QR code or link below to
sign up for an available

Contact: for
questions or to schedule an
appointment outside of the
available times.