Xochitl Delgado
M.S. Candidate Department of Psychological Science
Fluoxetine as a Novel Treatment to Attenuate Cisplatin-Induced Cognitive Impairment
Thursday, October 21st | West Science 2902 | 2:00 PM
Zoom Link: https://nmu.zoom.us/j/92236957480?pwd=TG81MFUvNWphK2Robyt0b3lpa1V5Zz09
Cisplatin is one of the most frequent chemotherapeutic agents used to treat cancer. Despite its wide use, this drug has been linked to alterations in brain structures and cognitive impairment. In recent years, other agents have been reported that appear to prevent, diminish or even reverse the effects that cisplatin has on the brain of cancer patients. One substance that may be a candidate, but has not been investigated so far is Fluoxetine, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, widely used in patients with anxiety and mood disorders. Results from this study suggest that fluoxetine may sensitize cancer cells to treatment to cisplatin as well as to boost working memory in mice.