The Future Faculty Fellowship Program
The purpose of the King-Chávez-Parks Future Faculty Fellowship Program is to increase the pool of academically and economically disadvantaged candidates pursuing faculty teaching or administrative careers in post-secondary education. KCP fellowships provide students up to $20,000 (MS students) or $35,000 (PhD students) to pursue their degrees.
In order to submit a FFF application, applicants must create a MILogin ID and “Request Access” to the KCP Future Faculty Fellowship Program under “Search Application”. Once access is granted, the application can be found under “My Opportunities” on the right-hand side of the page.
Carefully review the guidelines below for more information eligibility and application requirements.
Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are due APRIL 30 2025.
The FFF Program is part of the King-Chavez-Parks Initiative which was created by the Michigan State Legislature in 1986 to increase graduation rates for students underrepresented in postsecondary education. In support of their graduate studies, fellows are awarded up to $20,000 for a Master's degree and $35,000 for a doctoral degree in exchange for a service obligation. Following graduation, fellows are obligated to hold a faculty teaching or administrative position at a public or private 2- or 4-year postsecondary institution for a minimum of three years. If this service obligation is not met the fellowship agreement is placed in default and the fellowship converts to a loan (KCP Loan) payable to the State of Michigan.
Questions about navigating and submitting the application should be directed to the State of Michigan.
LEO-WD Targeted Services
KCP Initiative - FFF Program
201 North Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48913
Phone: 517-335-5858
Email: FutureFaculty@michigan.gov
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility Criteria | Verification Required (one document unless otherwise noted.) |
United States citizenship | • Screen print from university’s student information system (if verifiable) • U.S. Passport • Birth Certificate • Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the U.S. • Certification of Report of Birth • Certificate of Citizenship issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services |
State of Michigan residency according to Northern Michigan University's policy | • Screen print from university’s student information system • Documentation from Registrar’s Office |
Accepted to a graduate degree program at NMU that facilitates a career in postsecondary teaching | • Letter from university • Screen print from university’s student information system |
Good academic standing as defined by NMU | • Copy of current transcript • Email (or other document) from Registrar’s Office, graduate program office, or advisor • Screen print from university’s student information system |
Not in default on any guaranteed student loan | • Email (or other document) from financial aid office |
Has not previously received another FFF award for the same degree level | • Self-attestation |
Not currently a recipient of a FFF award at another university for a degree not yet completed | • Self-attestation |
Has not previously had a FFF award converted to a KCP loan | • Self-attestation |
Academic or Economic Disadvantage - Eligibility
Eligibility Criteria | Verification Required |
Adult dependent primary caregiver. Definition: The person who takes primary responsibility for an adult who cannot fully care for him/herself. | • A physician • A lawyer or court official • Applicant (self-attestation) |
Disability that causes an educational barrier but does not prevent working. Definition: Has a physical, mental or learning disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, that causes an educational barrier but will not prevent completion of the FFF service obligation | • Student support services office • Medical or health professional • Veterans Administration • Vocational or drug/alcohol rehabilitation facility • Social Security Administration • Applicant (self-attestation) |
English language learner. Definition: Has limited ability in reading, writing, speaking, or comprehending the English language and: a) Whose native language is a language other than English. b) Who lives in a family or community environment where a language other than English is the dominant language. | • Recognized proficiency exam • A university representative |
First generation college graduate. Definition: No parent/guardian completed a bachelor’s degree. | • Applicant (self-attestation) |
Former foster child. Definition: An individual who was a ward, placed into a group home (residential child care community, treatment center, etc.) or private home of a state-certified caregiver. | • A court official • Applicant (self-attestation) |
Homeless. Definition: An individual that lacks fixed, regular, and adequate housing. May live in a shelter, park, motel, car, or is temporarily living with others. | • A shelter • An individual providing temporary residence • A social service agency • Applicant (self-attestation) |
Qualified for federal student aid. Definition: Qualified within the five years prior to application for needs-based federal student financial aid, such as: o Pell Grant o Subsidized federal student loans o Work-study | • United States Department of Education • University’s financial aid office |
Recipient of public assistance. Definition: Currently receives, or has received within the six months prior to application, public assistance, such as: o Temporary Assistance for Needy Families o Supplemental Security Income o Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program o Women, Infants & Children | • An appropriate organization or government agency |
Returning citizen. Definition: Served a period of incarceration. | • Criminal justice system (parole ID, discharge paperwork, etc.) • Offender Tracking Information System |
Single parent. Definition: Is unmarried or separated from a spouse and has a minor child(ren) for which the parent has either physical custody or joint custody. Or, is unmarried or separated from a spouse and is pregnant. | *Documentation is required for both marital status and dependent(s) verification. • Copy of birth certificate(s) of dependent(s) |
Service Obligation
Future Faculty Fellowships are awarded to assist students in pursuit of a career in post-secondary teaching. To receive the award you must agree to the appropriate level of service obligation. Service obligation is determined by the amount of your awarded fellowship.
- Up to $8,333 of a master's award results in a 1-year equivalent full-time service commitment
- $8,334-$16,667 of a master's award results in a 2-year equivalent full-time service commitment.
- $16,668 to $20,000 of a master's award results in a 3-year equivalent full-time service commitment.
Failure to secure qualifying employment within 1 year of graduate program graduation results in your fellowship reverting to a loan which is then payable to the State of Michigan.
Gather Application Documents
The materials may be uploaded in one session or over several sessions on the application portal. A list of what is required is provided here to aid students in preparing their applications. Please gather:
- Verification of academic or economic disadvantage as described on the State’s eligibility document.
- Copy of your social security card.
- Copy of materials needed to verify your US citizenship (U.S. Passport, state-issued photo ID, state-issued Driver's License, or birth certificate).
- Driver’s license or state ID number
- Unofficial transcript if you have completed a semester of your graduate program at Northern Michigan University.
- Copies of all transcripts for previously earned degrees.
- A two-page (or less) educational and career goal statement discussing and linking your interests and academic preparation to your current studies and postsecondary teaching career focus.
- Your resume or Curriculum Vitae. This document should include personal and academic honors, campus/community activities, and academic or professional leadership roles.
- An estimated budget summary of the remaining cost of your graduate degree by semester (e.g. tuition, fees, books, living expenses). Include an estimated summary of all sources of income and financial aid that you have received or plan to receive, including fellowships, graduate assistantships, scholarships, and grants. You may include a narrative with supporting details, such as personal costs. Review tuition and fee information here. If you are eligible to apply because you qualified for federal financial aid in the last five years, please describe how you overcame that financial hurdle to obtain your bachelor’s degree.
- Two or three letters of recommendation. One of those letters must be from your degree program advisor. The letters should describe:
- the merit of the candidate.
- how the student will contribute to the diversity of the program.
- the mentoring plan for the student.
- if the student has already earned a graduate degree, the letter must also address why a second graduate degree is necessary in order to obtain employment in post-secondary education
- Please have your letter writers submit directly to Northern Michigan University by emailing graduate@nmu.edu with the subject line "FFF Recommendation - [your name]"
Create Your Application Account
Create an account on the MILogin for Citizens Portal if you do not already have one. Please note that if you are a current KCP Future Faculty Fellow, a MILogin will be created for you. NMU fellows may contact Janelle Taylor for assistance. Additional registration information is available from the State of Michigan and on their KCP FFF portal. Questions regarding access to the KCP FFF online system can be sent to LEO-futurefaculty@michigan.gov or you may call the KCP Initiative Office at 517-241-9898.
Submit Your Application
- Log into the MILogin for Citizens Portal
- Select “Request Access” from the top menu bar
- Search for “KCP Future Faculty Fellowship” in the search box
- Select the “KCP Future Faculty Fellowship” application.
- Select Northern Michigan University and complete your Profile.
- Your Dashboard will now contain a box labeled “My Opportunities.” You may click on the KCP FFF Application to access the application and provide the information requested.
Questions regarding access to the KCP FFF online system can be sent to LEO-futurefaculty@michigan.gov or you may call the KCP Initiative Office at 517-241-9898.