Thank you, for Acting Like a Wildcat!

  • Here are your next steps:

  1. Register your coin in-person at one of these offices:


    • Housing and Residence Life | 124 Quad I
    • Dean of Students | 2001 Hedgcock
    • Career Services | 3302.3 Hedgcock
    • Center for Student Enrichment | 1101 Northern Center


  1. You will receive a treat and the opportunity to choose one of the following organizations that the University will donate money back into


  • NMU Food Pantry
  • ASNMU Career Closet
  • Bike Share Program


  1. Keep an eye out for more events where you may be able to use your coin for more prizes!


What are other Wildcats doing?

You can see other wildcats out and about:
  • Engaging in their communities
  • Being courteous citizens
  • Pursuing their dreams
  • Volunteering on and around campus
  • Trying new things, and stepping out of their comfort zone

Fun Facts about Acting Like a Wildcat!

  • Only about 7% of students at NMU will receive a coin for Acting Like a Wildcat this year.
  • These coins were first given to students in Fall 2024.

Check out upcoming events

The Hub
NMU Events


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