Leadership Recognition Banquet (LRB)
The 37th Annual Leadership Recognition Banquet (LRB) was held on Thursday, April 11, 2024. Over the years this has become a very special occasion and tradition at Northern Michigan University (NMU). The LRB is an awards ceremony where students, advisers, and active student organizations are recognized for their contributions on campus and in the community. It occurs every April with approximately 300 student leaders and their advisers in attendance.
Check out this year's (2024) Leadership Recognition Banquet here!
Student Organization and Involvement Awards
Winners of eight special awards for student organizations are honored at the LRB.
- Organizations of the Year (2): Recognize two outstanding organizations (one university supported) that have demonstrated unity in their membership and have achieved success in accomplishing their goals.
- Community Service Award: Recognizes the organization that has demonstrated a high degree of volunteer service contributions to the surrounding Upper Peninsula communities during the academic year.
- Event of the Year: Designed to recognize an outstanding effort by an organization to plan, implement, and promote a single event during the year.
- Project of the Year: Recognizes an outstanding effort by an organization to plan and implement a project that benefited the campus and/or community during this past year.
- Diversity Event/Project of the Year: Recognizes an outstanding effort by a student organization to plan, promote, and implement a single event/project during the year that promoted the understanding, appreciation, and embracement of diversity.
- Adviser of the Year: Recognizes an individual who has done an outstanding job in her/her role as an adviser to a student organization.
- Michael D. Nunnally Individual Student Volunteer Award: Recognizes an outstanding NMU student volunteer who has made an impact on the community through service.
How to Apply?
Award Descriptions and Criteria
Check back for Award Applications for 2025.
Special Note: Show off your student organization at the Leadership Recognition Banquet by submitting photos (jpg or png) of your group in action throughout the year! Student organization photos will be displayed during the banquet’s slide show, which is a highlight of the event. Your photo(s) can be sent anytime to ckamps@nmu.edu

Congratulations to the Hoop House for winning the Organization of the Year for 2023-24! The accomplishments they did over the year include:
- Had an excellent group of 11 students and community members who volunteered to water and take care of the Hoop House over the summer which resulted in why their 2023 season was so successful
- Had a consistent group of 15-20 people who attended meetings almost every week during the fall season who logged over 740 hours collectively throughout the summer and fall season
- Harvested over 450 pounds of produce with over 170 pounds donated to the NMU Food Pantry and the rest donated to the volunteers as a "thank you" for their hard work
- Planned three recipe workshops using their produce: kimchi, tomato sauce and jalapeno hot sauce
- Visited four local farms
- Increased their presence on campus
- Spread more than 10 full wheelbarrows of compost on their indoor and outdoor beds throughout the season
NMU student Chase Jensen sums it up by saying, "The NMU Hoop House means community to me. There is a certain fulfillment I experience when I take ownership over the production of my own food, a feeling I can't quite find anywhere else. The very first Hoop House meeting that I attended at NMU is a memory I cherish greatly. I remember being welcomed into the community with open arms and immediately feeling comfortable with my peers...."
Organization of the Year - General
Recognizes an outstanding student group that has built a solid organization and has achieved success in accomplishing its goals.
2023-24 recipient: Hoop House
2022-23 recipient: NMU Puckheads
2021-22 recipient: Native American Student Association (NASA)
2020-21 recipient: South Superior Climbing Club
2019-20 recipient: Conservation Crew
2018-19 recipient: Health Promotion Society
2017-18 recipient: EcoReps
2016-17 recipient: Marquette Ending Hunger
2015-16 recipient: Elementary Education Math Club
2014-15 recipient: Figure Skating Club
2013-14 recipient: Relay for Life
2012-13 recipient: Club Baseball
2011-12 recipient: Student Nurses Association
2010-11 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2009-10 recipient: Women for Women
2008-09 recipient: Student Athletic Training Organization (SATO)
2007-08 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2006-07 recipient: Organization for Outdoor Recreation Professionals
2005-06 recipient: Tau Kappa Epsilon
2004-05 recipient: Public Relations Student Society of America
2003-04 recipient: Black Student Union
2002-03 recipient: Culinary Students of NMU (CSNMU)
2001-02 recipient: Crew
2000-01 recipient: NASA
1999-00 recipient: Phi Sigma Sigma
1998-99 recipient: Circle K
1997-98 recipient: Copper Country Pride
1996-97 recipient: American Marketing Association
1995-96 recipient: Catholic Campus Ministry

Congratulations to WUPX - Radio X for winning the Organization of the Year (University Supported) for 2023-24!
The accomplishments they did over the year include:
- Started multiple campus and community collaboratives to become more accessible to the community of Marquette, their participating student DJs, and their listeners
- Started bi-weekly collaborative features with Radio Results Network in Marquette, where they hosted a two-hour broadcast podcast over their stations in order to give them a professional and commercial radio broadcasting experience
- Started "Archives on the Air" with the Marquette Regional History Center where Radio X DJs recorded talk interviews with various staff and affiliates of the Marquette Regional History Center
- Nominated for a Michigan Association Broadcasting (MAB) award in the college audio category for one of their Archives on the Air: "The History of Radio in Marquette"
- Collaborated with 8-18 Media, a local media production organization that operates through the UP Children's Museum, where they hosted students from this group once a month throughout the year to give them the opportunity to learn about and practice radio broadcasting live on air
- Invited all of the club sports teams to be interviewed about their sports which included questions about sports history, game rules, and practice times all the way to hype-up songs and locker room tunes
- Nominated for a MAB award for their interview with Northstar, the women's rugby team, in the college audio category
- Participated in campus events such as Fall Fest, Wildcat Weekends, Mocktails on Vinyl, etc.
- Have a total of 52 DJs and 5 executive staff members who produce a one-hour or more show on their airwaves, which is the highest number of members that Radio X has seen since the 2000s
Radio X has been able to revive its membership and greatly expand upon the opportunities that are available for students who participate in the organization.
Organization of the Year (University Supported)
Recognizes an organization that receives substantial support (financial, advisement, etc.) from Northern Michigan University, has a campus-wide mission, has built a solid organization, and does an excellent job of performing its defined role. Organizations included in this category are:
- Campus Cinema
- Eco Reps
- Northern Arts & Entertainment (NAE)
- Northern Michigan Artist Discovery (NoMAD)
- The North Wind
- Platform Personalities
- Primetime Productions
- Special Events Committee
- Student Art Gallery
- Student Finance Committee
- Wildcat Marching Band
2023-24 recipient: WUPX - Radio X
2022-23 recipient: Northern Arts & Entertainment (NAE)
2021-22 recipient: Northern Michigan Artist Discovery (NoMAD)
2020-21 recipient: Campus Cinema
2019-20 recipient: Special Events Committee
2018-19 recipient: Campus Cinema
2017-18 recipient: The North Wind
2016-17 recipient: ASNMU
2015-16 recipient: Wildcat Marching Band
2014-15 recipient: Campus Cinema
2013-14 recipient: PrimeTime Productions
2012-13 recipient: Northern Arts & Entertainment
2011-12 recipient: Special Events Committee
2010-11 recipient: Student Finance Committee
2009-10 recipient: The North Wind
2008-09 recipient: First Aid Productions
2007-08 recipient: WUPX - Radio X
2006-07 recipient: Primetime Productions
2005-06 recipient: Northern Arts & Entertainment
2004-05 recipient: Campus Cinema
2003-04 recipient: Platform Personalities
2002-03 recipient: Platform Personalities
2001-02 recipient: Northern Arts & Entertainment
2000-01 recipient: Primetime Productions
1999-00 recipient: ASNMU
1998-99 recipient: AITP
1997-98 recipient: WUPX
1996-97 recipient: Northern Arts & Entertainment
1995-96 recipient: First Impressions

Congratulations to the Northern Michigan Constructors for winning the Community Service Award for 2023-24!
So far during the 2023-24 school year, Northern Michigan Constructors (NMC) has completed seven different volunteer projects that have accumulated roughly 75 hours of service per person for a total of approximately 1,150 "man hours."
One of the most impactful projects has been a fundraiser for the NMU Volleyball Team. NMC was given pieces from the old Vandament Arena volleyball floor, which they were able to cleanup and prepare for the volleyball team. Then, the volleyball team was invited to learn some of the processes and skills used by the NMC members and implement them to create beautiful 6" x 6" commemorative squares that they will be selling.
They also repurposed some of the glass from the old NMU hockey rink to use as table tops, to create a food-safe surface that is easily cleanable and will not stain for two new planting tables for the Indoor Agriculture Program.
Every project they complete is free of charge to the owner with the only expenses they pay for are the materials they purchase. NMC supplies the tools, labor, design assistance, and certain materials, if necessary. If you were to price that out to minimum wage ($10.33), they have saved their partners over $11,000 in just labor fees.
NMC is currently working on two more projects that will be completed by the end of the school year. One of them is the Carpenters & Millwrights Local 1510 Union to host the UP Construction Skills Challenge to give UP high schoolers the chance to showcase their skills and win a prize.
They pride themselves in the quality of work ensuring that their projects will have a long lifespan. If there is ever an issue with something they have worked on, they will fix it immediately.
Community Service Award
Recognizes the organization that has demonstrated the highest degree of volunteer service contributions to the surrounding Upper Peninsula communities during the academic year. Factors such as quantity of participants and quality of project outcomes will be considered. The award can also be given to an organization that has done one outstanding project.
2023-24 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2022-23 recipient: Not Given
2021-22 recipient: Conservation Crew
2020-21 recipient: NMU Food Pantry
2019-20 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2018-19 recipient: Food Recovery Network
2017-18 recipient: Beta Alpha Psi
2016-17 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2015-16 recipient: Marquette Ending Hunger
2014-15 recipient: EEGS Garden Club
2013-14 recipient: Pre-Veterinary Club
2012-13 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2011-12 recipient: Mu Beta Psi
2010-11 recipient: Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
2009-10 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2008-09 recipient: Power Sports Club
2007-08 recipient: Relay for Life
2006-07 recipient: Student Social Work Organization
2005-06 recipient: Northern Michigan Constructors
2004-05 recipient: Lambda Chi Alpha
2003-04 recipient: Tau Kappa Epsilon
2002-03 recipient: Lambda Chi Alpha
2001-02 recipient: Circle K
2000-01 recipient: Copper Country Pride
1999-00 recipient: Alpha Phi Omega
1998-99 recipient: Copper Country Pride
1997-98 recipient: Lions Club
1996-97 recipient: Above & Beyond House
1995-96 recipient: Student Habitat for Humanity
1994-95 recipient: Student Social Work/Sociology Organization
1993-94 recipient: Phi Sigma Sigma

Congratulations to the Platform Personalities for winning the Event for the Year Award in 2023-24 for An Evening with John Green!
This event was made possible with a generous partnership from the NMU WellBeing Center. Despite this event being announced over social media during winter break, it sold out to 995 people prior to students returning to campus for the winter semester. John Green spoke about his books and mental health. This was Platform Personalities largest event post COVID.
Program/Event of the Year
Recognizes an outstanding effort by an organization to plan, promote, and implement a single program or event during the year.
2023-24 recipient: Platform Personalities - An Evening with John Green
2022-23 recipient: Primetime Productions - Wild West Bingo
2021-22 recipient: Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) - CATivities Halloween Bash
2020-21 recipient: Special Events Committee & NMU Greek Council - Trunk or Treat
2019-20 recipient: Platform Personalities - Kristian Nairn "Game of Thrones"
2018-19 recipient: Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) - Marquette Women's March Post-Reception: "Waves of Feminism"
2017-18 recipient: Birch & Cedar East Halls & Magers Hall - Condomonium
2016-17 recipient: Marquette Rotaract Club - Marquette Mobile Food Pantry
2015-16 recipient: Women for Women - LeadHERship
2014-15 recipient: Marquette Ending Hunger - NMU Fights Famine
2013-14 recipient: Culinary Students of NMU (CSNMU) - Memorial Chili Challenge
2012-13 recipient: Honors Student Organization - Bill Nye
2011-12 recipient: Platform Personalities - The Buried Life
2010-11 recipient: Graduate Student Association - Graduate Professional Development Conference
2009-10 recipient: Student Law Forum - People's Law School
2008-09 recipient: OUTlook - 12th Annual Drag Show
2007-08 recipient: Northern Entrepreneurship Organization - Extreme Entrepreneurship Tour
2006-07 recipient: Platform Personalities - Jodie Sweetin
2005-06 recipient: PRSSA - Entertainment at USOEC Short Track Speedskating Trials
2004-05 recipient: All Nations Club - International Food Fest
2003-04 recipient: ASNMU - Higher Education Letter Program
2002-03 recipient: VOX - The Vagina Monologues
2001-02 recipient: ASNMU - Consignment Book Sale
2000-01 recipient: Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Club - What's in a Doctor's Bag?
1999-00 recipient: Golden Z - Celebrity Auction
1998-99 recipient: OUTLook & Identity - Gloria Steinem
1997-98 recipient: Tri Beta Biological Honor Society - Chocolay River Project
1996-97 recipient: Mortar Board - Grades of Bay Cliff
1995-96 recipient: Alpha Phi Omega - Lake Superior Village service
1994-95 recipient: Golden Z - Parkview School service
1993-94 recipient: Hunt Hall - Hunt Hall Havoc
1992-93 recipient: ASNMU - Rock the Vote

Congratulations to the Northern Michigan Artist Discovery (NoMAD) for winning Project of the Year in 2023-24 for their concert Ra Ra Rock For Your Rights!
This concert showcased four female-fronted bands that about the "Riot Grrrl" genre and energy to NMU. The bands were Addicus, Sorry Mom, Cherry Glazerr, and Destroy Boys. They created this show in honor of April being sexual assault awareness month and aimed to use their club as a platform to elevate and showcase female voices. They partnered with the Marquette Women's Center and were able to raise over $500 to support the work they do.
With over 400 people attending the show, this event was the largest and most attended concert that NoMAD has had since Covid.
Project of the Year
Recognizes an outstanding effort by an organization to plan and implement a project that benefited the campus and/or community during this past year.
2023-24 recipient: Northern Michigan Artist Discovery (NoMAD) - Ra Ra Rock For Your Rights
2022-23 recipient: Hospitality Club - Brew Fest
2021-22 recipient: Animal Club - Peas on Earth Challenge
2020-21 recipient: Alpha Psi Omega - Hollywood Speaker Series
2019-20 recipient: COVID-19 None Selected
2018-19 recipient: Ripple Effect - Winter Weather Clothing Drive
2017-18 recipient: Marquette Ending Hunger - Empty Bowls
2016-17 recipient: Surgical Technology Club - Heart Project
2015-16 recipient: Black Student Union - Recruitment Trip to Detroit & Chicago High Schools
2014-15 recipient: PrimeTime Productions - Sexual Assault Awareness Programs
2013-14 recipient: Student Psychological Association - Brain Awareness Week
2012-13 recipient: Wildlife Society - Wolf Awareness Week
2011-12 recipient: Circle K - 10th Annual 24-Hour Service Project
2010-11 recipient: Relay for Life - Relay for Life
2009-10 recipient: Chemistry Club - Science Night
2008-09 recipient: Catholic Campus Ministry - Adopt a Family
2007-08 recipient: Women for Women - Operation Save 2nd Base
2006-07 recipient: ASNMU - After Hours Study Lounge
2005-06 recipient: Phi Sigma Sigma - AIDS Mural
2004-05 recipient: Blast from the Past House - Relay for Life

Congratulations to Diversity in Disability for the winning the Diversity Event/Project of the Year Award in 2023-24 for their Disability Awareness and Education Event!
Every month throughout the school year, they put together a card or pamphlet with information about a disability that comes with a ribbon that was handed out in Jamrich. They encouraged participants to learn more about the disability. They also put their ribbons in various locations around campus. They promoted this series via social media. They are on course to give out 1,000+ ribbons by the end of the year.
They also held an Epilepsy Awareness Run/Walk in the Superior Dome. They had over 75 people attend and raised $1,000, half of which went to the Epilepsy Foundation of Michigan.
Diversity Event/Project of the Year
Recognizes an outstanding effort by a student organization to plan, promote, and implement a single project or event during the year that promoted the understanding, appreciation, and embracing diversity.
2023-24 recipient: Diversity in Disability - Disability Awareness and Education Event
2022-23 recipient: Queers & Allies - 26th Annual Drag Show
2021-22 recipient: Pride Rock - Barbary Lane House
2020-21 recipient: Native American Student Association (NASA) - Indigenous Peoples' Day
2019-20 recipient: COVID-19 - None Selected
2018-19 recipient: Best Buddies - Inclusion Week
2017-18 recipient: Black Student Union - Black History Month
2016-17 recipient: Best Buddies - Spread the Word to End the Word
2015-16 recipient: All About Korea - Cultures of Korea
2014-15 recipient: Black Student Union - A Piece of Black History
2013-14 recipient: Social Justice Committee - An Evening of Class
2012-13 recipient: Black Student Union - Campus Transformation
2011-12 recipient: Volunteer Center - Rural/Urban Service Exchange
2010-11 recipient: Women for Women - Self-Acceptance Week
2009-10 recipient: Platform Personalities - Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Refuse to be Silent
2008-09 recipient: Honors Student Organization & Platform Personalities - The Girl in the Picture
2007-08 recipient: Promoters for Non-Violent Peace Resolution - Invisible Children
2006-07 recipient: Platform Personalities - John Dau
2005-06 recipient: Black Student Union & Northern Arts & Entertainment - Step Afrika!
2004-05 recipient: Phi Alpha Theta - 2nd Annual Holocaust Awareness Project
2003-04 recipient: OUTlook - Debra Davis
2002-03 recipient: Black Student Union - Soul Food Dinner
2001-02 recipient: Northern Arts & Entertainment - Mystical Arts of Tibet
2000-01 recipient: NASA - Pow Wow
1999-00 recipient: Platform Personalities/Northern Arts & Entertainment/Honors Club - Maya Angelou
1998-99 recipient: NASA - Native American Heritage Month

Congratulations to Latinx Student Union's Jeff Korpi for winning Adviser of the Year in 2023-24!
The Latinx Student Union was impacted by Jeff's words of acceptance and that he understood the struggle of facing privilege, identity, and success. Despite his busy schedule, since accepting this role, the Latinx Student Union have sung his praises as one that doesn't just "show up" but provides routine check-ins, leadership and networking opportunities, shares personal experiences, and shows care and compassion amongst all of the profound qualities we strive for.
Jeff motivates them to pursue their passions and to be better. Congratulations to Jeff Korpi!
Adviser of the Year
Recognizes an individual who has done an outstanding job in her/her role as an adviser to a student organization.
2023-24 recipient: Jeff Korpi, Latinx Student Union
2022-23 recipient: Chad Allard, Magers Hall
2021-22 recipient: Mark Shevy, Marquette Ending Hunger
2020-21 recipient: Heather Isaacson, National Student Speech, Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
2019-20 recipient: Evelyn Massaro, Radio X
2018-19 recipient: Stephen Grugin, Wildcat Marching Band
2017-18 recipient: Michael Joy, Quiz Bowl Team
2016-17 recipient: Marsha Lucas, Pre-Physician Assistant Club
2015-16 recipient: Chris Kibit, Culinary Students of NMU (CSNMU)
2014-15 recipient: Andrew Poe, Northern Lights A Cappella
2013-14 recipient: Michael Joy, Quiz Bowl Team
2012-13 recipient: Henry Balfanz, Circle K
2011-12 recipient: Kate Sartori, Women for Women
2010-11 recipient: Faith Nelson, Student Nurses Association
2009-10 recipient: Steve Nelson, Student Law Forum
2008-09 recipient: John Kiltinen, Finn Club
2007-08 recipient: Wally Niebauer, PRSSA
2006-07 recipient: Steve Thompson, Circle K
2005-06 recipient: John Lawrence, Alpine Ski Team
2004-05 recipient: Don Peterman, Lambda Chi Alpha
2003-04 recipient: Daryl Davis, Crew
2002-03 recipient: Wally Niebauer, Public Relations Student Society of America
2001-02 recipient: John Frick & Charles Ganzert, WUPX
2000-01 recipient: April Lindala, Diversity Student Alliance/NASA
1999-00 recipient: Claudia Orr, Alpha Kappa Psi
1998-99 recipient: Ed Niemi, ASNMU
1997-98 recipient: Sister Cathy Mills, Catholic Campus Ministry

Congratulations to Marcus Chidester who is the 2023-24 winner of the William and Josephine Balconi Community Service Scholarship. Marcus is a junior majoring in construction management. He epitomizes selflessness, commitment, and leadership.
His journey has been far from ordinary. Starting as an architecture student at Lawrence Technological University, Marcus enjoyed the promise of a bright future with an academic/football scholarship. However, a transformative summer internship with Barton Malow redirected his path towards construction management.
Despite financial hurdles and the daunting prospect of leaving behind his scholarship, Marcus boldly transferred to NMU determined to pursue his newfound calling.
As a Superior Edge/Volunteer Center Coordinator within the Center for Student Enrichment, Marcus tirelessly organizes campus events and volunteer opportunities, fostering a culture of service. His leadership extends to his role as vice president of Northern Michigan Constructors, where he spearheads community volunteer initiatives.
He actively participates in the Student Leader Fellowship Program preparing for a 100+ hour community service internship.
His dedication, leadership, and compassion truly embody the spirit of this scholarship.
William and Josephine Balconi Community Service Scholarship
William Joseph Balconi and Josephine Agnes Butokovich were born and raised in the Houghton area. There was a strong sense of unity in the community and both learned the importance of helping people. They married during World War II before Bill shipped out to the Pacific in the Army. He was wounded during a landing, losing several fingers, and received a Purple Heart. Josephine did a stint as Rosie the Riveter building bombers at Willow Run near Detroit.
After the war, they stayed in the Detroit area to raise their family, but they always considered the Upper Peninsula their home. They both felt that helping those in need benefited both those being helped and those performing service. People committed to doing community service are often unsung heroes who work quietly and consistently trying to make the world a better place.
This annual community service award, in memory of Bill and Jo Balconi, is to be given to the NMU student who best represents these principles in thought, and most importantly, in action.
2023-24: Marcus Chidester
2022-23: Phoebe Martin

Congratulations to Ali Deutsch for winning the Michael D. Nunnally Individual Student Volunteer of the Year Award in 2023-24! Ali has accumulated over 855 hours of service while maintaining a 4.00 grade point average! Some of Ali's community service projects include:
- Completed over 125 hours of service through her Student Leader Fellowship Program community service internship with Campus Votes, where she played a pivotal role in educating her peers about the importance of voting
- Held leadership positions in Feminism for All, ASNMU, and the Special Events Committee
- Demonstrated her commitment to promoting inclusivity and diversity on campus by being an active member of the President's Committee on Gender and Sexuality
Ali's achievements reflect her passion for making a difference and building a sense of belonging on our campus and in the community.
Michael D. Nunnally Individual Student Volunteer Award
Recognizes an outstanding NMU student volunteer who has made an impact on the community through service.
2023-24 recipient: Ali Deutsch
2022-23 recipient: Amber Essenmacher
2021-22 recipient: Katie Cothran
2020-21 recipient: Hannah Jaworski
2019-20 recipient: Elizabeth Mansfield
2018-19 recipient: Maija Mattson
2017-18 recipient: Michaela McLeod
2016-17 recipient: Matthew Trefilek
2015-16 recipient: Benjamin Harris
2014-15 recipient: Katy Meade
2013-14 recipient: Sara Hujar
2012-13 recipient: Brendan Franklin
2011-12 recipient: Rachael Williams
2010-11 recipient: Courtney Brown
2009-10 recipient: Kurt Brandly
2008-09 recipient: Meghan Connell
2007-08 recipient: Danielle Foulks
2006-07 recipient: Jeron Schmidt
2005-06 recipient: Mary Raymond
2004-05 recipient: Nathan Lehman
2003-04 recipient: Christopher Leemon
2002-03 recipient: Eric Chase
2001-02 recipient: Chris Mosier
1995-96 recipient: Loren Snyder (Board of Control Student Achievement Student Volunteer of the Year)
1994-95 recipient: Polly Luoma (Board of Control Student Achievement Student Volunteer of the Year)